Why is Zen the most toxic audience?

  • Dec 17, 2020
Photos from the Internet
Photos from the Internet

Greetings, dear friends and guests of the channel!

Today I want to raise the topic of why Zen is the most toxic audience in relation to other sites.

I’ll say right away, I’m only for the polite and constructive criticism, I even say thank you for that. But I am categorically against it when another "person" flies into the channel and writes frank nasty things about our work or personally to me.

I have been running a channel in Zen for about 3 years, and I have received so much negativity and nasty things about our works and specifically about myself that I can’t count. At first I reacted violently to boors, inadequacies and other rabble, entered into discussions, proved something. But over time, I realized that on the other side of the screen there can be a person who is deprived of something, offended by life (as he believes), narrow-minded, drunk or simply in a bad mood. And to react to attacks of such people is simply stupid.

On other sites, such as YouTube, the Country of Masters, the Fair of Masters, various social networks, there is practically no such negativity and insults. It happens, of course, but so little, 100 times less. There is a very loyal and grateful audience there.

instagram viewer

And also, on our YouTube channel there are almost 1.7 million. subscribers, of which more than half are foreigners from all over the world. So, they never, COMPLETELY NEVER do not get personal. Yes, it happened, extremely rarely, they may not very tactfully criticize the video, but these are so rare cases that I hardly remember them!

And in Zen, out of 10-15 comments, 1-2 will necessarily carry a negative! And very often some "readers" just get personal, and even curse! And this is not only on my channel. I communicate with some authors of large channels of various subjects, they have the same situation.

And it would seem that young people often behave inappropriately and rudely on the Internet, but the funniest thing is that the audience of my channel is people aged 35 and older. And most of them are people aged 55 and over.

Attention, question! People, what are you doing? Grown up people, why behave like rude children?

Not to be unfounded, here are some examples of comments under my articles.

And such comments can be found under each article. I deleted many more, which were completely overboard or were with mats. I understand perfectly well that everyone cannot like all our work, and this is the norm, but why stoop to insults? Why do I, and other normal people, if they do not like the work, just walk by, while others consider it the goal of their life to "shit" in the comments and throw mud at the author?

Such commentators are completely unaware that this is our hobby, which brings us genuine pleasure from the process itself, and plus it is a good source of income.

So, I thought about this for a long time and made a conclusion, which, I think, is 90% correct. All this happens because the Yandex Zen algorithm is completely unable to select an audience based on interests. For some reason, he shows my articles to people who have absolutely nothing to do and have no idea about needlework and crafts. They are not interested in this, but Zen shoves my articles into their feed, so they start raving in the comments!

I want to say a huge thank you to those readers who read my channel with pleasure, who are interested and who support me as an author. And to all kind, responsive and adequate people who write pleasant (although not always) comments, help with advice, and just remain good people! Thank you very much!!!

That's all for me, see you soon!