5 bugs with air conditioning, which allow drivers and 4 for advice on how cool the car without him

  • Dec 24, 2019
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It would seem, including air conditioning, and what else is needed? But to get a nice cool air and it does not harm the machine, you need to know and follow some important rules. Usually, even experienced drivers make the same common mistakes. And in order to save fuel, it is necessary to adopt a few tips that will help cool the car without air conditioning.

1. Ask the right direction

Where it is blowing even more important than, like blowing. / Photo: pp.userapi.com
Where it is blowing even more important than, like blowing. / Photo: pp.userapi.com

One of the most common pitfalls of using the air conditioner - a wrong direction of air flow. It is for this reason, people often do not feel the effect of the air conditioner. Habitual direction - on the face of the driver and passengers. But this approach is fundamentally wrong. To ensure a uniform air flow distribution to be directed up the air conditioner. So the car will be supported by natural circulation, which will make all of the air in the cabin cool.

2. Morning rule for air conditioning

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No need to wait until the glass zapoteyut inside the air conditioner in the morning. / Photo: hyser.com.ua
No need to wait until the glass zapoteyut inside the air conditioner in the morning. / Photo: hyser.com.ua

In the morning the air conditioner must work too. Even on the hottest summer days, in the morning a pleasant coolness is preserved on the street. That is why many people believe that it is not necessary to include air conditioning in the morning. Hand to saving the cool drag starts only when the street is really getting hot. However, this strategy is fundamentally flawed, because the air conditioner will have to immediately operate at full capacity and cool already heated car, rather than simply to maintain a comfortable temperature in a quiet mode from the morning.

3. When include a "recirculation" mode?

recirculated air you need time to turn on and off, and do not leave forever. / Photo: hdhtech.com
recirculated air you need time to turn on and off, and do not leave forever. / Photo: hdhtech.com

Include recycling is recommended as soon as you get in the car. This will help a lot faster to cool the car after he warms up in idle in the parking lot. However, after the machine has cooled down, you need to turn the air conditioner back to normal interaction with the environment. This will allow more evenly distribute cool air throughout the cabin.

4. Optimum performance of the air conditioner

Sly tactics to cool the machine. / Photo: i.infocar.ua
Sly tactics to cool the machine. / Photo: i.infocar.ua

Many people immediately after getting into the car, include air conditioning on full blast. They hope that it is this tactic will quickly cool the car. However, it does not work as efficiently as a preliminary airing machines through open windows and doors. Experienced drivers know that first you need to open all the doors wide open, a couple of minutes to give the car an airing, and then get behind the wheel. After receiving this interior temperature drops a few degrees, and the air conditioner will operate much less.

5. Timely maintenance

For optimum performance, each device requires regular maintenance. / Photo: 3.bp.blogspot.comReklama
For optimum performance, each device requires regular maintenance. / Photo: 3.bp.blogspot.comReklama

Although the air conditioning and not the main part of the vehicle device, but it needs regular care. air conditioner filter must necessarily be replaced every 15-20 thousand kilometers. And every couple of years is necessary to change the coolant. If this is not done, the air conditioner performance significantly deteriorates, and the intense heat can regret their hindsight.

And in order to supplement the air conditioner does not hurt to know a few simple tricks that will allow the machine to cool before turning it on.

6. Saving

A useful tip for frugal. / Photo: magicgoldcarcare.com
A useful tip for frugal. / Photo: magicgoldcarcare.com

When your car has no air conditioning or want to save a bit of fuel, you can include blowing and complement its air humidification. The latter will help to provide a damp cloth, hung on the air vents. The air flow passing therethrough to be naturally cooled, and water evaporation further lowering the temperature in the cabin.

7. Blinds for cars

The heat well save tinted windows or curtains. / Photo: cdn.ddaudio.com.ua
The heat well save tinted windows or curtains. / Photo: cdn.ddaudio.com.ua

You can buy a car for removable shutters or blinds. While the machine is parked, they will protect the cabin from the scorching sun. Such forethought will significantly save on the air conditioner, as well as to accelerate the cooling of the interior as soon as you sit behind the wheel.

8. In a traffic jam

Correct behavior in an unpleasant situation. / Photo: pbs.twimg.com
Correct behavior in an unpleasant situation. / Photo: pbs.twimg.com

Nobody likes to stand in long traffic jam, especially if the street is fierce heat. At such moments, great saves air conditioning. However, here we must know when to stop. Continuous operation the air conditioner, when there is a large number of machines, could face serious problems - such as overheating of the engine. Therefore, from time to time you need to switch off air conditioning for its best optimization.

9. bright interior

Foresight is never superfluous. / Photo: a.d-cd.net
Foresight is never superfluous. / Photo: a.d-cd.net

Everybody knows that bright colors are heated much less than dark. That is why the salon is better to choose white or beige shades. If it really happened, that the interior is dark, it is necessary to take care of matching covers for the summer season. Light pad on the steering wheel does not hurt.

And when it comes to cooling the home or office, and here You can find his first-class options.

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