Light in the kitchen (41 photos): DIY video instructions for installation, features of fluorescent lamps, design, price, photo

  • Dec 20, 2020
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  • 1 Project creation
    • 1.1 Preliminary plan
    • 1.2 Detailed design with furniture arrangement
    • 1.3 Installation plan
  • 2 Mounting
  • 3 Conclusion

The kitchen is a special room in an apartment or house, since it combines many components and functional features that are inherent in other rooms. On it, food is prepared and various equipment is located, and it is also here that almost all life support systems are located and, as a rule, the most energy-consuming devices are concentrated.

That is why it is necessary to organize the correct light in the kitchen, taking into account all the features of this room and interior items.

Kitchen with full lighting

Kitchen with full lighting

Project creation

First of all, you need to understand that it is necessary to start working on the installation of lighting devices only if there is an appropriate project and wiring diagram. This will allow correct distribution of all lighting fixtures and will help to avoid installation injuries that could be caused by short circuits.

A detailed photo of instructions for organizing and placing lighting devices in the kitchen, taking into account convenience and comfort

A detailed photo of instructions for organizing and placing lighting devices in the kitchen, taking into account convenience and comfort

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Preliminary plan

In order for the light for the kitchen to be located correctly and correspond to its purpose, it is necessary to correctly place all the lighting fixtures in the room.

  • To begin with, the intended arrangement of furniture and household appliances is transferred to paper.
  • Then the cooking and reception area is divided.
  • Next, you need to put on the plan the appliances that should create light in the kitchen. Here you need to remember that it is better to use directional lamps for organizing the workplace, since they make it possible to create the appropriate working conditions.
  • It also takes into account the moment at which some lighting points will be built into furniture or appliances.
  • For the implementation of some decor elements, fluorescent lamps are used for the kitchen; they can emphasize some design solutions and create the necessary atmosphere.

This plan is only preliminary and does not require precise indications or compliance with dimensions.
It is made in order to understand how many devices may be needed and where they will need to be used.

Layout plan for lighting devices and household appliances

Layout plan for lighting devices and household appliances

Detailed design with furniture arrangement

To create such a plan, you need to have the dimensions of future furniture and household appliances. To make it, you may need drawing skills or special programs that are created specifically for these purposes.

It is necessary to organize the kitchen light in such a way as to maximize the convenience for the working area, and the part of the room intended for eating should be arranged as comfortable and cozy as possible.

On a project with arranged furniture and appliances, you need to apply all devices and equipment and at the same time mark the points of their power supply from the electrical network and placement of sockets in the kitchen.

After the detailed project is created, it is recommended to show it to a specialist for making changes or amendments.
This can provide valuable advice to help you save time and money.

Wiring diagram for connecting electrical devices

Wiring diagram for connecting electrical devices

Installation plan

When a new light is introduced into the kitchen, sometimes you have to work with a large number of wires, connection points and even different voltages in different networks..

In order to ensure correct installation and to prevent short circuits, a corresponding drawing should be created, according to which the installation will take place.

In this scheme, I use special designations and drawing elements, which it is impossible to apply correctly with my own hands without certain knowledge in the field of electrical engineering. This is due to the fact that it is necessary precisely for the specialists who will carry out the installation and have these skills.

It should be noted that if the kitchen will have only one chandelier and a lamp powered by an outlet (see also how many sockets do you need in the kitchen), then this plan need not be drawn up. However, when installing new wiring, the installation instructions recommend doing this anyway, since it will come in handy for the next repair or prevention.

If you do not have the necessary knowledge in electrical engineering, then you should not develop this plan yourself, let alone install it.
By entrusting this matter to a specialist, you can avoid not only damage to devices, but also electric shock.

Placement of sockets and switches, detailed plan

Placement of sockets and switches, detailed plan


  • First of all, the video installation instructions assume the placement electrical wiring in the kitchen. However, it is not worth connecting it to the network before the installation is complete in order to avoid electric shock.
  • Then furniture and appliances are placed in the kitchen. However, they should also not be connected immediately.
  • Next, the lighting devices are mounted. Connect them to the wires and fix them in the appropriate place.
  • Then they connect the wiring to the network and check all the systems.
  • It should be noted that the price of some materials required for installation is relatively low, but sometimes quite a lot of them are required, which implies additional costs.
Organization of lighting with a glass apron

Organization of lighting with a glass apron


Thus, the development of the project, as well as the installation of all lighting systems, may require the contractor to have certain knowledge or skills.

However, the design of the light in the kitchen can be done independently, and after applying it to the plan, it can serve as a good instruction for drawing up a diagram for installation. It is worth noting that you need to approach this issue responsibly from the very beginning, defects that have arisen during the operation will be quite difficult to fix.


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