How to make a new one out of an old awful sofa

  • Dec 21, 2020
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  • 1 Disassembly and replacement
  • 2 Upholstery
  • 3 Finally

You need to start by evaluating your old sofa. Namely, to determine the degree of its horror. More often than not, sofas start to look awful from the armrests. Armrests experience most of the most unpleasant things that happen to sofas. Not only are they rubbed and salted with hands, they also like to spill coffee on them and pets just love to tear them up.

The second part that suffers more than others is the middle pillow. This pillow, as a rule, sits down and a hole forms on it. But if the sofa happens to live in the garage, it may well have an ailment like a car seat. It can be burned out by a cigarette.

Typical old sofa

In case of resuscitation, we can only either change the details or put additional patches. Determine: change or supplement, you can by eye, at your discretion. If a part is too worn out or dirty, in other words, killed, do not think about changing it.

Disassembly and replacement

To disassemble the sofa, turn it over, on the edges hidden from view, as a rule, the material that fits it is attached to the brackets. If the part is still usable, disassemble carefully, do not tear the material. Pull out the staples carefully using a screwdriver, pliers. If the detail is awful, do not regret it. Foam parts are often glued.

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You just have to tear it off. But glue is usually cheap and doesn't hold tight enough. You can also glue in place - on some of the cheapest. The replacement part can be found in a variety of ways. You can use other furniture as a donor. You can buy a sheet of foam rubber, and if you decide to renovate a lot of furniture, it's best to do so.

But the use of a completely different packing is not excluded. It's not bad if you stuff the seat with old rags, cotton wool, or something else. The main thing is that you like it. Do not take into account how it looks, it will still be covered with upholstery material. But with all the severity, approach the evenness and convenience of the stuffing, because when you put the sofa back together, nothing can be fixed without disassembling the sofa again.

How it all looks in analysis


In this case, textile wholesalers will come to our aid. When buying upholstery material, remember to take stock for the folds on each side. Upholstery details can be sewn both on a sewing machine and by hand. If you do not have a sewing machine, you can contact a sewing workshop, and it will not cost you dearly, since such details are not difficult for a professional.


And what do we have under the outer layer

After installing the pillows, drying the glue, etc. we put on the upholstery details on the sofa. Then we turn it over and nail it onto the staples.


In conclusion, I would like to advise: do not be afraid to experiment. Remember, your sofa will not be worse anyway. Don't be afraid to ruin something, you are working with a thing that almost got thrown away.

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