Stretch ceiling stuck to the main: personal experience

  • Dec 21, 2020
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  • 1 Operational problems
  • 2 The cause of the problem
  • 3 A simple solution
  • 4 You can prevent this problem from occurring

Now, many of us make the right decision to install stretch ceilings based on a number of advantages such as:

  • aesthetic appearance due to a perfectly flat surface;
  • leakage protection. In order to drain the water, you just need to make a small hole, while the floor and wallpaper do not suffer;
  • resistance to moisture fading;
  • additional heat and sound insulation.

And these are just some of the benefits.

Stretch ceiling can be in any room of your apartment. A source:

Operational problems

For example, when we open a door or window into a room where we have already made a stretch ceiling, we can find that it is pulled inward, stuck to the main one, or sags.

This is what the ceiling looks like when it stuck to the main one. A source:

A user with the nickname Morozko talks about how she solved the problem. Further from her words.

I ran into this problem when I put it in the apartment, because the main ceiling had serious defects, namely cracks across the entire surface.

instagram viewer

The main ceiling is cracked. A source:

It was both cheaper and more practical to make a tensioner, which, moreover, looks perfect.

The cause of the problem

Received several independent consultations and understood what was the matter.

The main ceiling had slots through which third-party air flows entered. At the same time, from outside, through an open window, counter streams penetrated into the room.

Violation of the internal sealing of the space and, as a result, the circulation of air between the regular and stretch ceilings. By the way, for the same reason, hum can also occur.

But there is no need to be afraid of this, since this problem does not arise often, and even more so it is solved very simply.

A simple solution

We make a hole in the ceiling on the invisible part of the stretch ceiling, somewhere in the corner, behind the curtain or in any place that is not conspicuous. We insert the ventilation grill and it's done!

There is no problem.

Air vent in the ceiling. A source:

The ventilation hole should be neat. A source: xn - 80aagvjfuafcrkii.xn - p1ai

You can prevent this problem from occurring

The problem is not only preventable but also foreseeable.

In order that one fine day we do not run into it, it is necessary, before installing the stretch ceiling, to close up all the cracks on the main, especially where the floors and wiring pass. Be sure to pay attention to the gaps between the joints of the walls. This can often be found in panel houses.

In bathrooms, kitchens and lavatories, the installation of such grilles is necessary to avoid mold. For the same purposes, there are special exhaust grilles, they have an aesthetic appearance and will not introduce any dissonance into your interior.

The advantage of such gratings is that they prevent pests from entering the room and help to ensure an optimal microclimate.

Helpful advice: this is one of the reasons why masters recommend installing stretch ceilings after plastering the walls and before gluing the wallpaper.

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