What foods can be frozen: 6 foods

  • Dec 21, 2020
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  • 1 Bread
  • 2 Pancakes
  • 3 Stuffed cabbage rolls and peppers
  • 4 Cheesecakes
  • 5 Fruits
  • 6 Paste

Not everyone likes to spend several hours every day at the stove, preparing breakfasts, lunches and dinners. In this case, frozen foods and food come to the rescue. They can be stored frozen for a long time, preserving their taste and benefits.


Many do not know what to do with dry bread, but they do not want to make rusks out of it. Freezing can come to the rescue here. A loaf of bread should be cut into pieces and put in the freezer. In the future, get as much as you need and put it in a microwave or oven to defrost.

Frozen bread

Frozen bread. A source: www.banatfm.ro


Some people prefer pancakes for breakfast, but since there is not always time to cook them quickly, you can use freezing. Having prepared the pancakes in advance, you should anoint them with butter, so they will not break. If fruits or berries are used as a filling, it is advised to add starch. The shelf life of pancakes in the freezer is 14 days.

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Pancakes from the freezer

Pancakes from the freezer. A source: kakxranit.ru

Stuffed cabbage rolls and peppers

It is quite possible to freeze this ready-made dish, having cooled it in advance. First, put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, and then in the freezer. Cabbage rolls and peppers stuffed with meat or other stuffing are stored for 90 days. Before serving, they are defrosted using the refrigerator or microwave.

Stuffed cabbage rolls and peppers

Stuffed cabbage rolls and peppers. A source: xn - 80aejxoagf6cwg.xn - p1ai


In the morning you can serve cheese cakes. Like stuffed peppers, first the prepared cheesecakes are first cooled, then sent to the refrigerator for a while. Only after that they put it in the freezer, where they can be stored for no more than 4 months. The defrosting process is as follows. At night, the cheesecakes are taken out, placed in the refrigerator, and heated for breakfast.

Frozen cheese cakes

Frozen cheesecakes. A source: product-store.ru


The best option for freezing fruits is to lay them out on parchment paper. Then the fruits are put into bags. If in the future they are used to make desserts, then it is recommended to cut the fruit into slices and freeze in sliced ​​form.

For those who love smoothies, it is more convenient to immediately prepare a frozen fruit mixture. Not everyone enjoys making this drink with banana chunks after defrosting because they get slippery. There is a way out - freezing bananas unpeeled from the skin. Then they are taken out, thawed in the microwave, the top is cut off and the pulp is squeezed out to make a smoothie.

Frozen berries

Frozen berries. A source: prolife.ru.com


Pasta frozen in small portions is great when cooking soups or casseroles. Boil the pasta and put it in bags. Before sending them to the freezer, you need to make sure that there is as little air as possible in them. Defrost by immersing in hot water for a few minutes.

Frozen pasta

Frozen pasta. A source: mtdata.ru

Nowadays, freezing is the most common way of delivering food in finished form; almost all products can be subjected to this procedure.

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