Can I drink alcohol while losing weight?

  • Dec 21, 2020
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  • 1 The basic principle of losing weight
  • 2 Remember
  • 3 And where does alcohol
  • 4 Conclusion

If you want to lose weight, alcohol must be excluded. First, let's look at the main thing, let's start with the basics.

The basic principle of losing weight

The main condition for losing weight or losing weight is the expenditure of calories in greater volume than their consumption. In Russian it is said like this: "You need to eat less than we spend." As a result of a decrease in the volume of food, or rather the volume of calories in food, there is a deficit, that is, a deficiency. A deficiency leads to the fact that our body is forced to replenish it at the expense of previously accumulated reserves, which include our body weight, both muscle and fat. Simply put: if we do not eat as much as we spend energy, the body burns our reserves (including fat) in order to replenish the lack of energy.

There are many scientific papers, articles, works, and whole sciences explaining the mechanisms of weight gain and loss. In each issue of sports magazines, more and more articles on nutrition and new techniques in this direction are published. All this would take too long to study, in the end it would be 99% unnecessary for us. So we will not go into the details of the interaction of hormones, proteins, various types of fats, carbohydrates and other difficulties. Let's leave that to the professionals.

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To drink or not to drink?


A simple way to determine the amount eaten: after 3 hours you should feel hunger.

And where does alcohol

We still have an unanswered question about alcohol. The fact is that losing weight or losing weight is nothing more than a metabolism. The metabolism in the body is triggered by hormones. And alcohol contains alcohol ethanol, which inhibits the production of hormones and therefore inhibits metabolism, anyone. Including weight loss, of course.

Also, the effects of alcohol will decrease your stamina by slowing down your metabolism, and this will reduce your ability to exercise. This means you will have less opportunity to increase your calorie expenditure.


Alcohol consumption is a personal matter for everyone, but I have to warn you, it will definitely slow down your weight loss. In all respects, alcohol for weight loss is definitely a hindrance.

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