Sometimes it's better not to know: 5 facts about fast food

  • Dec 21, 2020
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  • 1 # 1 - effects on the brain
  • 2 # 2 - undermines health
  • 3 # 3 - "unhealthy" syrup
  • 4 # 4 - a large number of French fries ingredients
  • 5 # 5 - other unhealthy fast food products

Today, a large number of people prefer to eat in fast food establishments, so-called fast foods. There are those who speak positively about them, but many do not like such food at all. They consider such food to be harmful, which is absolutely true. Here are 5 facts about the dangers of fast food.

# 1 - effects on the brain

Research has confirmed that fast food is high in sugar and fat. If you consistently consume unhealthy foods, then blood flow to the brain will gradually be disrupted. The fatty acids found in processed and fried foods send signals to the brain, which in turn becomes unable to control appetite. Even though the person has just eaten fast food, they will still feel hungry.

Fast food

Fast food. Photo:

# 2 - undermines health

The unsaturated fats that fast food is rich in can lead to:

  • obesity;
  • heart disease;
  • high cholesterol;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes.
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If you eat such food often, then health problems are provided. It contains many nutritional supplements. When you eat fast food more than 2 times a week, material metabolism and the work of the digestive system will significantly deteriorate.

Lots of fast food

Lots of fast food. Photo:

# 3 - "unhealthy" syrup

A person, even after drinking a double portion of carbonated water at fast food outlets, is still thirsty. The reason is that the producers mix in corn syrup to sweeten the drinks. It contains a lot of fructose, which replaces sugar. Thanks to the syrup, the taste of drinks is much improved, however, it has a bad effect on the tooth enamel, the gastric mucosa and other important organs.

Junk food

Junk food. Photo:

# 4 - a large number of French fries ingredients

In french fries, besides the main product, there are all kinds of:

  • additives;
  • fats;
  • flavor enhancers.

This food is high in calories and has a lot of carbohydrates. The average portion contains 400 kcal. If you overuse French fries, you can get very well. The product contains harmful trans fats that impair immunity and lead to the development of serious diseases.

Before you start cooking, sprinkle potatoes with a lot of spices and salt, due to an excess of which the pressure rises, heart attack and stroke occur. The danger of French fries is also the presence of carcinogens.

French fries

French fries. Photo:

# 5 - other unhealthy fast food products

The meat, most often not of the best quality, which is used to make a hamburger, contains a lot of fat, and the sauce contains preservatives. A bun is a high-calorie product. It is baked from 1st grade flour, which lacks dietary fiber. After it is eaten, blood sugar rises.


Hamburger. Photo:

Another unhealthy food is hot dog. These foods are high in calories, cholesterol, and fat. Sausage is rich in starch and soy, the color is obtained from the use of food chemical dyes. The mayonnaise and ketchup used for hot dogs are high in preservatives and food ingredients. All these components, with the constant use of products with their content, are harmful to human health.

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