4 steps to clean your kitchen

  • Dec 21, 2020
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  • 1 Empty the closet
  • 2 Categorize and sort
  • 3 Create zones
  • 4 Consider organizers

Many people have trouble removing dirty stains and so we want to help you with that!

Empty the closet

Corner pull-out cabinets. Photo: novate.ru

Remove each item from under the sink and place it on the floor.

Categorize and sort

Hook stand for hanging dishes. Photo: kitchen.cdnvideo.ru

Categorize all the items you removed from under the sink. When categorizing, think about what you really need to keep in such a better place. Get rid of everything that you think is no longer useful to you.

Create zones

Kitchen and dining room in one room. Photo: timeszp.com

Before putting items back under the sink, identify areas for different types of items. For example, you can store brushes and sponges together, and detergents and dish soap and detergent elsewhere. Since you've already sorted your items, putting them where you decided they would go will be easy.

Consider organizers

While you don't need fancy organizers to clean up your under-sink area, they can really help keep things tidy. This drawer makes the most of vertical space. The extensible module is customizable and works around plumbing. And these are multi-purpose containers.

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