Let's figure it out: things that don't belong on the kitchen table

  • Dec 21, 2020
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  • 1 Broken (or cracked) dishes
  • 2 Small-small-less plastic containers
  • 3 Dull knives
  • 4 Useless kitchen appliances and appliances that are out of order

The kitchen is one of the main places in the house where the whole family gathers for dinner to share the impressions of the past day and discuss plans for the future.

Things to clear from the table

Things to clear from the table

In order not to turn your kitchen-dining room into a warehouse of unnecessary trash, where you don't even want to look, you should take a critical look around the room and get rid of some items.

Broken (or cracked) dishes

Chipped dishes should not be kept at home in any case. Not only is it a symbol of family well-being, and what, in this case, can a cracked or broken kitchen utensils symbolize? Is that quarrels, squabbles and scandals.

And secondly, the use of such dishes is simply unsafe for health (you can be injured inadvertently, for example). Therefore, no matter how dear to you that cup with a chipped handle and a crack, try to replace it with a worthy option.

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Small-small-less plastic containers

Few people think that plastic is dangerous in itself, and expired plastic is even more so. However, this is indeed the case.

Therefore, conduct an audit and, without regret, dispose of those containers whose expiration date has already expired (first of all this applies to vessels that have changed their color due to misuse, melted and other unsafe models).

Dull knives

If there is no one in your house to bring blunt knives back to normal, and you no longer have the patience to plan them another salad or cut some products, then get rid of these copies and purchase others.

Dull knives must be removed

Dull knives must be removed

Not only will you be constantly nervous trying to "saw" bread or cut off another piece of meat and other products, you can also get injured in the cooking process, which, you see, will not go to you either benefit.

Useless kitchen appliances and appliances that are out of order

Equipment that is not functioning, rusted or not used at all should also be disposed of. It's just a burden that doesn't paint your kitchen, believe me.

Or do you really find something attractive in a non-working coffee machine that only takes up free space, an old grinder whose knives have long been blunt and rusted, a yogurt maker and a bread maker bought in a fit of shopaholism, but never used for their intended purpose?

A broken gadget is far from the kitchen table

A broken gadget is far from the kitchen table

Kitchen gadgets that are still functioning can be handed out to culinary friends, and what is out of order can be safely taken to the trash heap. This way, you get rid of unnecessary things and free up space in your kitchen.

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