Why even the rich don't throw away their trash, but take it to their dacha

  • Dec 21, 2020
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  • 1 1 idea: use old clothes
  • 2 2 idea: use plastic for the benefit of the vegetable garden
  • 3 Idea 3: decorate the site
  • 4 Idea 4: old rubber boots

Have you ever heard the phrase: "Do not throw it away, it will come in handy"?

Although, in fact, after the second or third revision of old things, what "comes in handy" is still thrown away.

But most people have summer cottages for the garden or for the "soul", it doesn't matter, the main thing is that all unnecessary things are now being transported there at home.

1 idea: use old clothes

When revising a wardrobe with clothes, sometimes a lot of already worn, but not leaky and not worn clothes remain, just old and long-standing. The hand does not rise to throw away such things. We offer an option to use it to scare away birds that have encroached on berries. Let's make a garden scarecrow out of it.

Photo of a garden scarecrow from old clothes

Photo of a garden scarecrow made of old clothes. Photo: encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com

2 idea: use plastic for the benefit of the vegetable garden

Nowadays, most people buy water in 5 liter plastic bottles, and then they accumulate on the balcony. What for? Unclear. It's just a pity to throw it away. But, now they can be used to shelter young cabbage, to protect it from the cold. This idea will help to preserve the harvest and, at the same time, you will be calm that it was still useful.

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Photos of 5-liter bottles useful in the garden

Photos of 5-liter bottles useful in the garden. Photo: images.aif.ru

Idea 3: decorate the site

Every summer resident wants not only crops to grow well in the garden, but also to be pleasant to see. Basically all beauty is done with flower beds and flowers. Here we offer the option of using the same plastic bottles, only for the purpose of decorating the site. Small gnomes under a bush will add a little magic and mood to the summer cottage.

Photo of site decoration using plastic bottles

Photo of site decoration using plastic bottles. Photo: qulady.ru

Idea 4: old rubber boots

Old rubber boots or children's boots that are already small can be used as outdoor flower pots and are beautiful and practical and can be attached to almost any place.

Photo of useful old rubber boots

Photo of useful old rubber boots. Photo: happymodern.ru

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