Cucumbers - Secrets "manual" pollination

  • Dec 24, 2019

Hand pollination of cucumbers carried out to get a good harvest. This procedure is relevant for residents of rainy regions, where natural pollination is suspended. Acquainted with the peculiarities of pollination, perform this procedure will not be difficult.

Growing cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Why and when to conduct?

Pollination - an important step for the representatives of the flora in which the pollen of male and female flowers interact to form fruit. Natural pollination process typically occurs via insects. But often there are situations when the natural process is impossible.

Gardeners have to do this work on their own in cases such as:

  • landing pcheloopyljaemogo varieties in the greenhouse;
  • opylyaemost weak on the open field;
  • a small amount of the ovaries;
  • the need to obtain clean seeds of cucumbers.

Before performing the procedure should be familiar with its features:

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  • manipulation is performed on the next day after the flowers unfold;
  • desired level of humidity - 70%;
  • temperature - within + 20... + 25 ° C.
If the temperature is higher, the properties are lost pollen mixture. At low temperature the formation is slowed ovaries.

Pollination the procedure is performed daily for 7-14 days.

technology pollination

Pollination process lasts long, thus allows to obtain a large number of ovaries. The procedure consists of the following:

  • Find and disrupt mature male flower with a long handle.
  • Carefully remove the petals from it, so that only the central portion with pistils (this part of the flower with your fingers, do not touch).
  • Several times carefully touch the central part of the male flower to the female part of the same instance.

As a result of pollination in 50% of cases formed ovary. With one male flower can pollinate to 15 female inflorescences. The source of pollen may be one grade, and female - of the other. Pollinate the female specimens can be several times the male flowers of different varieties such as cucumbers.

Caring for cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Caring for cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Male or female: how to distinguish?

The plant produces male and female flowers. Male flowers is popularly known as a sterile flower. They always have a leg, are formed at the base of the leaves in groups in the form of a brush. In one such brush can be formed to 7 inflorescences. At 5 stamens of flowers, 4 of them are interconnected, and the fifth stamen grow apart. Cucumber pollen different tack and heavy. It can be used after the flowers bloom. Inflorescence masculine bloom after the sun appears above the horizon, and fade to a close, with the pollen comes into disrepair.

Female flowers grow singly. Their characteristic difference from male specimens - availability of the ovary, from which eventually formed a cucumber. On this basis the floor of the flower can be found prior to its disclosure. At present female flower pistil and stigma that are involved in pollination. feminine flowers bloom throughout the daylight hours. If you happen to rainy weather and natural pollination does not happen, then immediately do not fade flowers. They bloom for a few days waiting for pollination.

Time and duration of flowering varies by region. In the northern areas of flowering occurs in the morning, 6-7 hours, and lasts for 1-2 days. After that the flowers are closed. In the southern regions of the flowering begins at 5 am and lasts until midday time.

The best time to carry out artificial pollination - daytime and hot, sunny weather, in which all the flowers are revealed.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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