Each gardener interested in obtaining a rich harvest. The second priority is the environmental friendliness of the products. Therefore, growers, amateurs are trying to find alternative ways of fertilizer vegetable crops.
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Sourdough for cucumbers
It has recently become popular to use as a fertilizing sourdough. For this 10 liter fill 1/3 of dry crusts of black bread, pour warm water and insist in a warm place for a week. Once the solution ceases to roam, it is ready for use. Its filter and topped up with hot water to a total volume.
Such feeding enrich the soil with beneficial bacteria and fungi, which in the course of its activity is saturated with carbonic acid ground and create additional food roots. This agent is used for root feeding of about 1 time per week starting from budding prior to desiccation of foliage.
Coniferous infusion rid of aphids
When dealing with all types of aphids not need to use chemicals. With this pest copes means on the basis of the needles. To prepare the infusion of pine, take 500 grams of pine needles and pushing it in a warm place for 7 days. The resulting stock solution is diluted 1: 7 and they sprayed plants.
Tobacco against Colorado potato beetle
Sprinkle potatoes with infusion of tobacco is an alternative to the use of insecticides. Just do not use scented, and smoking tobacco - it has a large concentration of essential oils, repellent Colorado beetles: 250g of tobacco dust (grown tobacco leaves may be ground), 20 g of soap and 10 liters of water.
Tobacco planting around the perimeter of potato and between rows reduces insect activity.
Onion peel yellowing leaves of cucumber
Cucumber leaves begin to turn yellow, if you are deficient in vitamins, micro and macro. A rich source of nutrients is the onion peel. It contains potassium, calcium, iron and vitamins of groups B, E, P.
A decoction of onion peel can be used as fertilizer, fungicide and insecticide. To make it take 1 glass husk poured 2 liters of boiling water, boiled for 5 minutes and insist 2 days. The infusion is used as a finished product. They can spray the culture and make it up by the roots. Multiplicity fertilizing - 1 time per week.
Feed the onion smelling salts
If the onions begin to turn yellow leaves, so it lacks nitrogen. Correct situation may fertilizing solution of ammonia in a ratio of 3 tablespoons. l. 10 liters of water. The solution must be to make the roots.
organic fertilizers
Organic fertilizer for garden vegetables can be cooked at home. The most popular are considered to be solutions of mullein or bird droppings. The master batch is prepared in a ratio of 1:10 and insist in a warm place for 5-7 days. To prepare the working solution in 10 liters of water take 1 L infusion or mullein 0.5 L - bird droppings and expend 1-2 sq.m.
Good feeding can be obtained from the infusion of chopped herbs nettle or dandelion. For this purpose one bucket green mass was placed in a large container, pour 7 buckets of warm water and covered with a lid. The composition of wandering for a week. Once the symptoms disappear fermentation, it is brought to a volume of 10 l and is used for the root and foliar application.
For green manure legumes include organic culture. They are planted in paruyuschie plot and dug in the state of green sheet - the soil is enriched with nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus.
original article and many other materials can be found on our website.
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