Raspberries to become larger, it is necessary to properly care for her and her time to rejuvenate. Culture is not considered to be demanding, but it needs in a timely loosening of soil, making fertilizing and pruning.
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Crop and garter
Early in the spring should be shortened to one-third of all the branches of the previous year. Dry twigs and those that bear fruit last summer, should be cut off at the base. Throughout the season, you need to follow the root processes. If they are not used for the expansion of raspberry, it is necessary to remove them. Between mature shrubs should be no replacement shoots. If the shoots appear at the base of the plants and thicken it, the branches are also cut off near the soil surface.
Flexible fruitful stems of raspberries need support so they do not bend to the ground under the weight of berries or not broken. For this purpose, gardeners recommend the use of a trellis. Do not design captures every branch.
Young shoots that will bear fruit only in the next season, left in its original form. They must be able to grow and develop. In the fall of stalks that give berries, cut off completely. In their place, tied to support young. This circuit will not give raspberry crop to grow old, and berries on it will always be big and juicy.
Timely cleaning side stepchildren will not let overgrown plantations, and after thickening is one of the reasons melchaniya berries.
Feeding and watering
Raspberry is sensitive to the amount of nutrients in the soil. But its constant growth of it depletes the soil. Therefore, after harvesting raspberry bushes dug carefully removed all the weeds and lay thick layer of humus between the bushes. He must have a height of not less than 7-10 cm. In this state, all the remains until early summer.
Mulch of compost will not only give the root system of plants necessary for the development of trace elements, but also protect in severe winter frost from freezing. A spring-preserved humus layer will limit the rapid growth of weeds.
The basis of humus up nitrogenous substances, which are responsible for the growth of green mass. To increase productivity, plantations additionally needed phosphorus and potassium - these trace elements are introduced into the soil in the spring.
Gardeners recommend the use of complex preparations in the form of granules. During the application of these fertilizers is necessary to deepen a little in the earth, enough 5-6 cm.
If it was not possible to make the fall of humus, it can be replaced with a solution mullein or chicken manure. Use these organic fertilizing is necessary before the formation of ovaries. Optimal time - April or May. In the future, these fertilizers is to give, not to provoke the intensive growth of side shoots, which still does not have time to get stronger before winter and can be killed by severe frosts.
During loading berries raspberry bushes can feed any liquid drug complex comprising potassium and phosphorus. Such fertilizers accelerate the maturation of the crop.
Raspberries need a lot of moisture, so during the formation of ovaries, and until mid-August plantings should be watered every 7-10 days. For this purpose, it is recommended to use to defend or rainwater. If the summer was rain from supplemental irrigation should be discarded, otherwise you may provoke defeat rot bushes.
original article and many other materials can be found on our website.
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