Why did the USSR cars on diesel engines

  • Dec 24, 2019

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The first and only Soviet passenger diesel car.
The first and only Soviet passenger diesel car.

Today surprise motorists with diesel engines is impossible, because they are quite prevalent. That's only in the Soviet times the situation with diesel engines were different. I see this on a normal car it was very problematic, although the country's factories like units produced on a large scale. What was the reason.

Diesels received anything other than private cars.
Diesels received anything other than private cars.

Curiously, diesel engines for private cars motor companies began to put early enough. The first civilian lorry diesel appeared in Germany in the 20s, and the first passenger car diesel traveled on European roads in 1936. Fashion for diesel fuel rather quickly captured the hearts and minds of the designers of automotive companies around the world. But not in the Soviet Union. Here diesels set to anything other than civilian cars. Mainly diesel "heart" received military vehicles and equipment.

The car was a luxury before the war.
The car was a luxury before the war.
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In fact, for a long time in the Soviet Union on the use of diesel fuel in the civilian economy just did not think. There were several reasons. At first, no competition pure between machine manufacturers and fuel. Secondly, the most fuel - gasoline, by global standards, was very cheap. The first diesel engine in the USSR did back in the 1940th year, with the help of German engineers. However, the cost of gasoline these engines are more expensive. Since the car was for most people the unprecedented luxury of installing more expensive to produce diesel units and out of the question, despite the fact that they operate in general cheaper. And it was the third reason.

Gasoline was cheap.
Gasoline was cheap.

Subsequently, diesels will be equipped mainly export model of Soviet machinery. However, to put motors on them will have dealers in place. The first passenger car for internal use with diesel unit will develop WHA only in the early 80-ies. However, the project will stall because the designers zazhmut in very very tight deadlines. Finish everything on the prototype. Widespread machine to "heavy" fuel get in the Union only in the last years of its existence.

But the engines were expensive.
But the engines were expensive.

Continuing the theme 6 bright novelties that are presented at the current Moscow Motor Show and not only.

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