"Dedovsky" method that will allow you to eliminate annoying ants on the site

  • Jan 01, 2021
"Dedovsky" method that will allow you to eliminate annoying ants on the site
"Dedovsky" method that will allow you to eliminate annoying ants on the site

The ants on the site are not the neighbors that the vast majority of summer residents want to see. Getting rid of annoying babies can be challenging. The sad practice is that in the vast majority of cases this will require very drastic measures. However, without the right approach, even they will not give the desired result and very soon the ants can return.

Ants damage plants. | Photo: stihi.ru.
Ants damage plants. | Photo: stihi.ru.

Many summer residents recommend using nitrate against ants. However, getting it is not so easy. In addition, this solution is far from the most successful. This is because in most cases ants arrange their colonies in the roots of some plants important for the summer resident himself. So it is necessary to resort to the help of spot processing. The best remedy in this area remains the proven ammonia.

Smarter than you think. | Photo: top10a.ru.

The method is truly "old-fashioned". Experienced summer residents have been using it for more than a decade. The main advantage of the method is that it does not have and does not have negative consequences for cultivated plants. For some crops, ammonia is a good bait! It improves growth and development, and repels a number of other insect pests that can damage the root system.

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Ammonia will help. | Photo: myalkogolizm.ru.

It's all about alcohol vapors, which are extremely unpleasant for ants. It is necessary to dilute ammonia with plain water. The ratio is 1 part of alcohol to 10 parts of water. Many are bred by eye, not bothering much about this. However, it is also not worth abusing with a share of alcohol in water. Everything should be neat and in moderation. The prepared solution must be poured into the anthill. It is advisable to do this so that water passes through all channels.

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The most important thing in this matter is to make sure that the queen ants die. Only in this case will it be possible to completely destroy the anthill.

Alcohol is diluted with water. ¦ Photo: ya.ru.

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