Why in Europe they put sofas in the center of the room, and in Russia - near the wall

  • Jan 06, 2021
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Why in Europe they put sofas in the center of the room, and in Russia - near the wall
Why in Europe they put sofas in the center of the room, and in Russia - near the wall

The fact that in our apartments and houses the sofas are always close to the wall, no one has any questions. This is how they were always put. But when we watch Western films or study the interiors of foreign houses on various sites and catalogs, we see that this piece of furniture is located in the center, like the chairs. The same thing happens with beds. In Russia, it often moves up to the wall, in other countries it is deployed deep into the room. Another interesting fact. Even if some Russians want to decorate the room according to the latest fashion trends, over time they return to putting the sofa in the old fashioned way. Why is everything happening this way?

Small living quarters or something else

Regardless of the upholstery on the back wall in Europe, the sofa is still placed in the center of the room / Photo: dg-home.ru
Regardless of the upholstery on the back wall in Europe, the sofa is still placed in the center of the room / Photo: dg-home.ru

Indeed, many explain this domestic trend by the fact that our apartments have a small living space. Often, rooms, especially in old houses, have the shape of a trailer, so you won't be able to put a sofa in the middle. Someone also talks about not very good financial situation. It is undesirable to show everyone the upholstery on the back wall.

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Whatever the situation in the room, the furniture is placed across / Photo: travakavkaza.ru

But the real reason is completely different. A good proof of this is, as shown in foreign films, the furnishings of rooms in poor areas of America or England. Regardless of the financial situation of the owner, this furniture is placed across. And even the economy of the upholstery is not a reason to change its location.

In Western countries, the main source of heat is the fireplace / Photo: aliciaclaros.com

The real reason lies in heating systems in Russia and the West. In Western countries, the traditional source of heat is a fireplace, which is usually installed in the center. Therefore, the sofa and armchairs are placed closer to it. Agree that it is very pleasant to be near warmth, especially in bad weather.

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The walls in the houses are stone and very cold, so it is not very pleasant to touch them. In the old days, tapestries were hung on the walls in castles. Later, in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, houses were clad in thick oak on the walls. If this option was too expensive, they forced them with cabinets or shelving.

A TV is being put in place of the fireplace / Photo: interiorsroom.ru

This solution has already become traditional, and now it is also actively used. Upholstered furniture stands in the center of the room, and cabinet furniture along the perimeter. Not all houses of the last century had fireplaces. But this was not a reason for abandoning the standard approach to interior design. In place of the fireplace, they began to put a TV set, which even outwardly somewhat resembles a heat source.

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In Russia, the room was previously heated with a stove, which was installed in the corner of the room / Photo: pechki-best.ru

The air heating system had a different operating principle, different from that described. A residential building was heated, as a rule, by a stove, and it was installed in a corner, at the point of intersection of several separate rooms. The warm air emitted by it spread along the wooden walls, which are an excellent conductor of heat.

In old estates in Russia, the arrangement of rooms was special. They were located in a suite, where there were drafts. The warmest was the inner wall farther from the window. It was there that the upholstered furniture and beds were placed. The sofa was not placed near the window, as the cold was coming from the opening. There was usually a small table and chair at which to write a letter. Bedrooms were designed according to the same scheme and principle. That is, the beds were installed in such a way that it was warmer to sleep at night.

Continuing the topic read,
how to arrange a backyard and resting place.
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