Reasons why an orchid refuses to bloom and how to get it to release a peduncle

  • Jan 10, 2021
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Recently, the exotic orchid has become a very popular plant not only among flower growers. Many people give this blooming miracle instead of a bouquet of fresh flowers, which after two or three days lose their attractiveness. The orchid, for several weeks, pleases the owner with its bright inflorescences, after which it goes into a state of rest. In order for a flower to release an arrow with buds again, it is important to know the biological rhythm of its life, as well as the requirements for keeping conditions.

Orchids. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Orchids. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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Reasons why the orchid refuses to bloom

Flower shops always sell blooming orchids. But this does not mean that optimal conditions have been created for them, close to tropical ones, in which the plant is accustomed to exist. The fact is that for sale they are grown intensively in special industrial greenhouses. To force the plant to actively develop and bloom, various growth accelerators and flowering stimulants are used. At home, this method of growing is unacceptable: the plant simply cannot withstand the stress of chemicals and will soon die.

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Each type of orchid has its own life cycle: a period of active growth, periods of flowering and dormancy. The owner of an unusual flower needs to know this and be sure to provide him with the appropriate conditions. Only in this case there will be a chance to see a beautiful bloom. There are other reasons why the orchid is stubborn, does not want to bloom and show itself in all its glory:

  1. Young age (in case of independent reproduction). The plant releases the first arrow no earlier than a year and a half after planting, but more often after three years. If the arrow is formed before "adulthood", it is better to carefully cut it, otherwise all forces will be spent on flowering, as a result of which the flower may die.
  2. Pest activity. Insects weaken the plant by feeding on its juices, which is why the formed buds dry out in their infancy.
  3. Illiterate feeding. As mentioned above, an excess of fertilizer is dangerous for the plant. An excessive amount of nitrogen will inhibit flowering, as it will cause an intensive growth of green mass. The introduction of phosphorus additives in reasonable doses, on the contrary, helps the plant to form flower stalks.
  4. Unsuitable air temperature and humidity. The orchid is originally a tropical plant, therefore it requires appropriate conditions. The optimum temperature regime should be observed within + 20... +25 degrees, humidity - 60-80%. During the heating season, when the air in the apartments is too dry, the required humidity is achieved through regular spraying of plants or a shower.
  5. Abundant watering. An orchid is a moisture-loving plant, but you shouldn't fill it every day. Watering should be reasonable, not excessive, carried out only after the roots dry out (they become almost white). The best way to moisturize the substrate is to immerse the flowerpots in water for 2-5 minutes, after what the containers are installed on a pan to drain excess water, which will go through the drainage holes. This prevents root decay.
  1. Incorrect lighting. The orchid loves diffused light, although at the beginning of flowering, the plant can be placed in a brighter place to awaken the buds faster. The sun is needed exclusively to start the process. If arrows with buds appeared in the winter, you should think about good additional lighting.
Orchids. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Ways to stimulate flowering

With proper care, the orchid blooms twice a year for 3 months. But it happens that the dormant state of a plant can drag on for 1.5–2 years. In this situation, it is necessary to analyze the conditions for keeping the flower and draw the appropriate conclusions in order to choose the right radical method that will make the plant bloom. Most often, orchid flowering is stimulated by placing it in a stressful situation, for example:

  1. Suspend watering for 2 weeks, cancel feeding and spraying, then resume everything as before.
  2. Arrange a temperature shake. This method can be used in the spring or fall by sending the plant outside or a glazed balcony for two weeks. The temperature should be within +16 degrees. Some growers put a capricious plant in the basement.
  3. Use cytokinin paste. With its help, flower growers awaken dormant buds, grow new flower stalks and grow children. It is necessary to carefully cut the covering scales at the kidney and bend it to the side. Then apply a few scratches to the kidney with a disinfected needle, then drop a little product on the damaged area.
  4. Have a hot shower. First you need to water the plant as usual and put it on a tray to drain the water. Then wash it with hot water (40–45 degrees) for a minute. After the procedure, do not spray or water the flower for two weeks.

Flowering care

Having found peduncles with buds, you do not need to relax, on the contrary, you should be more careful about caring for the plant, otherwise the buds may not bloom at all and die. There are general rules for caring for a plant during flowering:

  • remove dry inflorescences;
  • tall peduncles with buds must be tied up;
  • take care of extending daylight hours;
  • do not change the location of the flower, otherwise the plant will get stress and drop the inflorescences;
  • water gently so that water does not get on the leaves and flowers, as the decay process may develop;
  • do not place fruits near the flowerpot, which can accelerate flowering;
  • do not fertilize after the buds appear, otherwise the orchid will get rid of the peduncles.

Post-flowering care

When the orchid stops blooming, the flower stalk becomes completely naked. Hence, it's time to start trimming it. If the tip is dry, you need to carefully remove it, stepping back from the uppermost dormant bud 1.5 cm up, and cut off the part of the stem that is damaged. Peduncles and babies will grow from the remaining buds.

Do you know why the orchid refuses to bloom?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about caring for orchids in the following article:The orchid has crawled roots from the pot: reasons for what to do

The cut must be carefully waxed so that moisture does not enter the remaining hollow stem during watering, which can cause it to rot.

If the arrow has completely faded, has acquired a yellow or brown color, it is cut off completely.