Dish in 10 minutes: cook mackerel in the microwave correctly

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Microwave - one of the greatest inventions of mankind in the context of kitchen utensils. Thanks to the microwave became possible to prepare many, including quite complex dishes without using the oven. The most important and interesting is that preparing meals in the oven very quickly. For example, fish can be served as a side dish, while hot, and when cool, as snacks.

Cut the fish.
Cut the fish.

To prepare microwaved mackerel, mackerel need one, 30 ml of soy sauce, quarter lemon, 10 ml sunflower oil, quarter teaspoon ground ginger cloves and finally 2 garlic. When all the ingredients are on hand, start to cook. The first thing to do - to clean the fish, remove the insides, and then rinse well under running water. We pay special attention to the removal of black films on the walls of the abdomen.

Prepare the marinade.
Prepare the marinade.

Now cut off the tail and the head of the fish, after which it can be cut into pieces 2-3 cm thick. From a medium-sized mackerel usually get 6-7 pieces. Take a bowl, which can be used in the microwave, pour to pre-chopped into small pieces of garlic, dry ginger and lemon with peel (also should be cut). Following pour sunflower oil and soy sauce in the dish.

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We insist in the marinade.
We insist in the marinade.

Mix the marinade, and then laid the pieces of fish. Once again all the stir and leave to infuse for 5 minutes. The meat is very tender in mackerel, a short period of time is more than enough. Put a plate of fish in the microwave and cover on top of one another plate. Set the heating power is 800 W and enable the oven for 8 minutes. When held for 4 minutes, the process, let the steam out of the oven must be stopped, and then run it again.

Put in the oven and ready.
Put in the oven and ready.

When microwave inform of beep cooking completion should hold mackerel within a few minutes. After this dish can be removed from the microwave and serve. The result is a delicious and satisfying meal that can feed a family after a hard day.

Continuing the theme how to make smoked bacon directly in the apartment: on cooking instruction and not only.

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