How to combat aphids on currants?

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Aphids - insects that feed on plant sap, thus leading to a reduction in death or fruiting shrubs, trees and vegetable crops. In order to destroy the pest in the currants, you can use any popular professional tools.

Aphids on currants. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Aphids on currants. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Traditional methods

Before you fight the currant aphid on using any means necessary to remove all strongly affected leaves, and then burn them. Only then can we begin to process the bush. The most effective folk medicines for killing parasites are:

  • Tobacco infusion. In 10 liters of water is needed to dissolve 0.5 kg of tobacco dust, infuse the resulting solution for 72 hours. Then cooked means required to filter, pour it into 100 g of crushed to a fine grater soap and wait dissolving soap chips. Treatment by spraying the bush must be carried out in the evening, when can settle sunny weather. If it starts to rain, such actions will execute repeatedly needed.
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  • The infusion of wormwood. In 5 liters of water is required to add 0.5 kg of minced fresh sage, 45 g soap and 1 tbsp. wood ash. Then the prepared solution should be allowed to stand for 5 hours and diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2.
  • Garlic infusion. In 5 liters of water necessary to add 500 g of crushed garlic cloves and then infuse agent for 24 hours, filtered and used to spray bush.
  • Infusion of celandine. It is necessary to finely chop 4 kg of fresh celandine and pour it into 10 l of water. Before using the drug it is necessary to infuse day.
  • Sodium carbonate solution. In 10 liters of water need to add 2 tbsp. l. soda, 1 teaspoon. l. iodine and 30 g of crushed grated tar soap. After thorough mixing the prepared spray insecticide need currant bush.
  • Infusion of marigold. Per 10 liters of warm water is required to take ½ the bucket with dry marigold flower. Then the liquid should insist for 3 days, filtered and used for irrigation of the affected aphids currant bush.
Carry out spraying is recommended in dry weather, when there is no wind, preferably in the evening. Thus, each leaf of a plant treated with composition 2 sides.
Sprinkle currants. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Sprinkle currants. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Using professional insecticides

To deal with aphids, you can use contact insecticides that have a direct impact on the pest. First processing currant recommended after bud burst. The second time to process the bush should be at least 30 days before the harvest. It is forbidden to carry out disinfection of chemicals before harvesting.

List of effective professional agents against aphids:

  • Akhtar.
  • Kinmiks.
  • Spark.
  • Fufanon.
  • Aktellik.
  • Malathion.
To poison had the greatest impact on small pests, you need to strictly follow the instructions contained in the package with the insecticide. Before proceeding to the processing of currants bushes chemicals should wear a dust mask and gloves to protect your hands and faces.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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