Getting rid of the wireworm - proven methods

  • Jan 13, 2021

Good afternoon, my reader. The appearance of pests in the garden requires immediate measures to save the crop. It is important to carry out a set of procedures if damage to root crops is noticed by such a dangerous pest as a wireworm. With mass reproduction, the entire crop is threatened. It is rather difficult to get rid of the larvae that remain highly active and viable for several years. To obtain a good result, a systemic struggle should be carried out, following a phased scheme.

Getting rid of the wireworm. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Getting rid of the wireworm. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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1. Wireworm killing during the harvest season

The easiest way to find clear signs of a dangerous pest is when the harvest begins. All roots must be carefully dug up. Specimens showing signs of wireworm infestation should be burned. It is important not to leave even small vegetables in the ground, which will serve as a source of further spread of the pest.

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2. Autumn traps

On the site where the wireworm was seen, after the harvest period, straw or hay is laid out in small heaps in the beds. Some of these traps can be covered with film, plywood, thick cardboard or boards, while others can be left without additional shelter. A week later, all prepared ambushes are collected and immediately burned. This method is recognized as effective, since in autumn the wireworm prefers to climb into the grass.

3. Pre-winter digging

In late autumn, wireworm larvae penetrate deep soil layers in order to protect themselves from the coming winter cold. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out a deep digging of the earth before frost, at least with a shovel bayonet. Choose a warm enough day for work. In the process of digging, it is possible to extract a large number of larvae prepared for wintering. They die on the surface at low temperatures.

Wireworm. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

4. Spring bait

The activities aimed at combating the wireworm continue for the next season. Before the spring planting, traps are placed on the site where it is planned to cultivate root crops. For this purpose, cut carrots and potatoes into medium cubes. They are planted on wire hooks and buried in the ground to a depth of about 8-10 cm. After 2-3 days, the traps are pulled out by the wire. The detected pests are destroyed. Repeat a similar procedure until the period when the sowing work will be carried out.

5. Preplant soil disinfection

The use of disinfectant solutions will help to clear the area from the dangerous wireworm. For cooking, pour water into a ten-liter bucket. Dissolve in it 5 g of crystalline potassium permanganate. For each well, you will need to add 500 ml of disinfecting liquid. In order to prevent the appearance of pests, they additionally irrigate the soil near the beds, in the aisles and furrows.

6. Adding onion skins when planting

It is recommended to scare away the wireworm when planting potato tubers, pour a handful of dried onion husks into the holes. You can add a little wood ash to it.

7. Summer processing

It is imperative that after the emergence of seedlings, they continue to carry out activities aimed at combating the wireworm. For this purpose, a nettle infusion is prepared. Collect and chop 500 g of this herb with leaves. Transfer the greens to a bucket and add water to the very top. Leave for 24 hours. Under each potato bush, once a week, pour in 500 ml of infusion.

Thanks to a set of measures, it will gradually be possible to clear the site of the dangerous wireworm. At the first sign, it is important to start fighting this pest in order to prevent its excessive spread.

Do you know how to get rid of wireworms?

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