A simple tip to help unscrew a sour bolt in a car

  • Jan 16, 2021
A simple tip to help unscrew a sour bolt in a car
A simple tip to help unscrew a sour bolt in a car

Slugging of bolts and parts is an extremely unpleasant thing. One way or another, sooner or later every motorist faces this phenomenon. As a result, loosening a stuck bolt can become a real challenge. Especially if you don't know a single effective way to solve this problem without unnecessary noise and dust. Today we will just talk about one simple and effective method.

The brush comes into play. | Photo: yandex.ru.
The brush comes into play. | Photo: yandex.ru.

A rusted bolted joint is not a cause for frustration and headaches, at least if you know how a similar problem is solved. Of course, there is little pleasant. However, nothing monstrous happened. In order to cope with the stuck hardware, you should first arm yourself with a metal brush and thoroughly handle the part of the stud or bolt protruding from the nut.

Next, you need a rag. | Photo: drive2.ru.

Next, a small cloth is taken and thoroughly soaked in brake fluid or kerosene. It is rolled up in several layers and laid on top of the stuck bolt. In this position, the junction is left alone for a couple of hours. The ideal option is to leave the cloth to soak the bonded hardware for a day. When the deadline is over, we take a hammer and confidently slam it over the bolt head. If the head is round, use a reliable screwdriver first. In this case, hitting the tool handle. This action should help with the presetting of the thread.

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We work with a hammer. ¦ Photo: norgau.com.

When all of the above is done, you can take a suitable wrench and throw it over our bolt or nut. The sour hardware is turned away with a jerk. If the hardware is rusted through and you cannot use the key, you will have to file the edges of the hardware properly using a suitable tool.

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It remains to work with the keys. | Photo: yandex.com.

Finally, it should be added that the bolts and nuts in the car should be taken care of from the moment you buy the car. Already in the first week after purchasing a car, it will not be superfluous to wipe all the protruding parts at the joints of the hardware, and then walk over them with a rag dipped in engine oil. The procedure should be repeated at least once a quarter. Better yet, cover each bolt and nut with plasticine.

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You need to take care of the hardware. | Photo: boltai.com.

If you want to know even more interesting things, we advise you to read about how to quickly and easily check car shock absorbers without swinging.
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