Why does the railway need a device for throwing a train off the rails

  • Mar 03, 2021
Why does the railway need a device for throwing a train off the rails
Why does the railway need a device for throwing a train off the rails

A large number of devices and tools are used on the railway, which the vast majority of citizens do not have to deal with in their lives. For example, at the disposal of railroad employees there is, among other things, a device called "dumping shoe", which is used in situations when it is necessary to send the train down a slope. This raises the question: when in general this may be needed and how does the mentioned device work?

Sometimes it happens. | Photo: progorodchelny.ru.
Sometimes it happens. | Photo: progorodchelny.ru.

In fact, there are several such devices. They differ slightly in the principle of operation and in their device, but the result of their application is generally the same. Most often, the already mentioned "dumping shoe" is used on the railway to send the train downhill, there is also its analogue - the "dumping wit". The principle of operation of both devices is to break the wheelset of the train by creating insurmountable obstacle or to leave the wheelset to the side, thereby provoking the convergence of the car from rail.

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There are shoes for fixing the cars. | Photo: twitter.com.

In addition to the "wit" and "shoe", on the most important and potentially dangerous sections of the railway, there are dumping arrows - these are branches of the railway that allow you to redirect the train to the side. More often than not, this ends in disaster. Less often, the arrows lead the train to the siding. It is quite obvious that the use of any of the listed means causes very serious consequences. Why are such devices needed?

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And there is a shoe for dropping cars. | Photo: train-photo.ru.

In fact, everything is extremely simple: "shoes" are used when the refusal to dump the train from the rail will lead to even more serious consequences and railway employees have to choose less of the two angry. For example, a freight train can be derailed, which for some unthinkable reason (for example, in as a result of negligence or mistake) jumped out towards the passenger train and stopped the train no opportunities.

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Used in extreme cases. ¦Photo: train-photo.ru.

However, the working practice of using "wits" and "shoes" is reduced to dropping from the rails not whole trains, but individual cars, which, due to human errors or some kind of malfunction, began to roll on the rails and stop them there is no possibility. At the same time, a car that has gained high speed can crash into other cars or even a train.

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A train.

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