A proven way to restore transparency to cloudy plastic glasses

  • Mar 03, 2021
A proven way to restore transparency to cloudy plastic glasses
A proven way to restore transparency to cloudy plastic glasses

Plastic products are used everywhere. This material has a bunch of advantages, but there are also disadvantages. Most often, scratches spoil the appearance, and the plastic itself becomes cloudy. But do not be upset, there is a way to return the product to its previous presentable look.

How to restore transparency to cloudy plastic glasses. | Photo: youtube.com.
How to restore transparency to cloudy plastic glasses. | Photo: youtube.com.

For clarity, we took dull and scratched plastic glasses. To "reanimate" the product, you need only four things: water, P2000 sandpaper, fine-abrasive polishing paste and rags.

Sandpaper you need to remove scratches. | Photo: youtube.com.

First and foremost, you need to get rid of the scratches, i.e. sand the surface. This requires water and sandpaper. It is necessary to pour some water on the affected area and then start sanding. Please note: we work with sandpaper only when wet!

Fine abrasive polishing paste. | Photo: youtube.com.
Rub the paste thoroughly over the surface. | Photo: youtube.com.
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When the grinding process is over, we proceed to polishing. For this purpose, you can use a fine abrasive polishing paste type 3M No. 75. You can find it at any car store. Rub the paste thoroughly over the inside and outside. If the effect is not achieved the first time, repeat the procedure again. Glasses will become transparent as new!

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The glasses are as good as new. | Photo: youtube.com.

Not only plastic glasses are losing their presentable look. Take a windowsill, for example. It turns yellowish over time.

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Continuing the topic:

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how to return the windowsills to their original whiteness without fear of ruining them.A source: https://novate.ru/blogs/010720/55130/