What and how to feed the honeysuckle in the spring to get a good harvest

  • Dec 24, 2019

Gardeners, regularly making feeding under bush honeysuckle, get a good harvest. For plant growth and increase fruiting use organic, mineral and complex feeding.

Growing honeysuckle. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Growing honeysuckle. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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chemical fertilizers

Fertilizers of this type begin to act quickly, immediately after application to the soil. This is due to the fact that all materials are in high concentration. But gardeners should be aware that their leaching from the soil is much faster.

For honeysuckle fertilizer use mineral substances of the following types:

  • Potash. This potassium sulfate, potassium salt can be made and other substances.
  • Phosphate. They are represented by phosphate flour, and gardeners can make superphosphate into the soil.
  • Nitrogen. This class of compounds represented by urea and nitrate.

If you decide to make saltpeter, choose the appropriate method. This can be spillage of granules over the soil surface, then the fertilizer will dissolve after rain or irrigation, will penetrate into the soil.

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Another method of applying fertilizer is to dissolve in water, and further watering. For 1 m² contribute from 10 to 20 g of ammonium nitrate. If the fertilizer will dissolve in water, 5 g per 10 liters of sufficiently.

Urea also contribute in the form of granules or dissolved. Dosage - from 20 to 30 g per 1 m². It is also possible soiling of ammonium sulfate, it needs to be 25 grams for the same area. But gardeners should remember that he is acting on the soil as an acidulant. To counteract this effect, it is mixed with lime or chalk. The proportion should be 1: 1.

Early spring making superphosphate, it improves palatability honeysuckle. On 1 m² need about 50 grams If the soil is acidic, better to choose a phosphate fertilizer. It is introduced into the ground at the rate of 30 g per 1 m².

Care honeysuckle. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Care honeysuckle. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

organic fertilization

If we compare with organic and mineral fertilizers are not so fast. But they are not longer leached from the soil. Plants completely absorb nutrients. This is because they are in a digestible form.

Organic substances are cheap, so they are available to all gardeners. When introduced into the soil, they are completely dissolved, a beneficial effect on honeysuckle.

Autumn when digging make compost or humus. They are used and mulching, and of them make liquid fertilizer. Recent contribute throughout the growing season.

Organic fertilizers contain a lot of nitrogen, it is necessary for the growth of honeysuckle. But gardeners do not have to pour under a bush fresh humus, it is harmful to plants.

Feed honeysuckle can bird droppings, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. The solution can be drawn from humus, in this case the liquid is added, keeping the ratio of 1:10.

Mulch can be used peat or ash, which has all the nutrients except nitrogen. From it makes a spray or liquid fertilizer.

Honeysuckle fed with organic substances is not more than 3 times per season. If you fertilize more often, you can overfeed the plant.

Complex fertilizers

Honeysuckle responds positively to NPK, but it is suitable for feeding in early spring. Before the start of flowering plants watered drugs called Kemira-wagon. 10 liters of water was added 20 g of agent.

When they begin to tie berries, make a second dressing. At 1 bucket of water take NPK (2 tbsp. l.), carefully add potassium sulfate (1 tbsp. l.). If an adult bush, watering needs 10 liters and 1 young plant enough 5l.

If the landing were added fertilizer, do not fertilize the first 2 years. You can start with the third year of life bush.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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