How to get unprecedented tomato harvests. Tips from experienced summer residents

  • Mar 03, 2021

Good afternoon, my reader. The yield of tomatoes is not only reflected in the choice of a good variety (hybrid). It is very important to follow agricultural techniques, taking into account the characteristics of the culture. Only competent care will allow you to collect 1-2 buckets of ripe fleshy fruits from each bush.

 Tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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For good yields, it is better to choose tall varieties of tomatoes. In favorable conditions, powerful bushes form a large number of ovaries. However, this circumstance does not guarantee complete success if the requirements of agricultural technology are not met.

Before sowing, the planting material is disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or with Fitosporin-M. Then they are planted in containers filled with light, fertile, slightly moistened soil.

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The planting containers are covered with polyethylene and placed in a room where the daily air temperature does not drop below 22-25 ° C. Before germination, the soil in containers is moistened with a spray bottle as needed. The film shelter is opened once a day for 10-15 minutes for ventilation.

Seedlings of tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

When 3-4 true leaves appear on the seedlings, they are dived into peat pots or planted directly into the greenhouse. To transfer seedlings to open ground, you need to wait for stable warm weather.

Tomato care

A warm and light-loving culture is planted in the soil, leaving a distance between the bushes of at least 50 cm. The spacing between the rows of tomatoes should be about 60-70 cm.

Densely planted plants lacking normal air circulation are at risk of fungal and pest infestation.

Watering mode

The best time to water seedlings and mature shrubs is early morning. Evening watering in the open field is undesirable. A decrease in air temperature, combined with an abundance of moisture in the soil, leads to the development of fungal diseases. To prevent condensation from forming in greenhouses, they are ventilated during the daytime.

Watering tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Tomatoes are watered at the root, trying to keep moisture out of the green mass. Watering frequency depends on the phase of plant development. For example, seedlings planted in the ground, a small amount of water is enough 1 time in 4-5 days. It is important that the soil is moderately moist.

Adult bushes in the flowering phase are watered as needed every 7-10 days. During the fruiting period, the amount of moisture must be regulated especially carefully, since tomatoes begin to crack both from drought and from excess water in the soil.

Top dressing

During the flowering period, tomato bushes are especially in need of nutrients. Experienced summer residents use a weak solution of boric acid to stimulate the formation of pollen.

To prepare the product, 10 g of boric acid are diluted in a bucket of water. Spraying plants with this composition increases the quantity and quality of ovaries. In addition, after such processing, the taste of ripe fruits improves.

Top dressing of tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

During fruiting, it is undesirable to use chemical or organic fertilizers. Such dressings will enhance the build-up of green mass and negatively affect the taste of tomatoes.


Organics and mineral fertilizers are used after the seedlings are rooted in the ground. To stimulate the growth and good development of tomato bushes, fertilizing with nitrogen content is used.

To increase the yield of tomatoes, summer residents resort to various tricks. In order to direct all plant resources to the formation of fruits, the bushes get rid of unnecessary shoots (stepchildren) formed in internodes.

And during the fruiting period, the lower tiers of leaves are also cut off, leaving only clusters of ovaries and tops of bushes. At the end of the season, to speed up the ripening of tomatoes, remove the top of the plant along with the inflorescences.

Unprecedented harvests of tomatoes are the fruits of the painstaking work of gardeners. Careful care, taking into account the advice of experienced summer residents, will certainly give an excellent result.

Do you know how to get unprecedented tomato harvests?

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