Good afternoon, my reader. Petunia is one of the most common plants in the city. You can see her everywhere. It decorates both the balconies of private apartments and the entrances of shops and offices. This plant looks especially beautiful in a hanging planter. In order for the petunia to bloom magnificently, forming a ball of bright flowers, you need to perform a number of simple actions:
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- In young bushes, you need to pinch the top by 3-4 cm. If only the tip is removed, side shoots will form on the thinner part of the stem. They can break easily in strong winds. And with proper pinching, the side branches will grow strong and calmly withstand the test of unfavorable weather conditions.
Over the season, this pinching must be repeated periodically. We also pinch the lateral branches, which have grown by 10-14 cm, in order to achieve a beautiful spherical shape.
- Carry out top dressing on time. In order to constantly release new shoots and bloom, the plant needs a lot of nutrients. While the leaves are forming, petunia needs nitrogen, which, as you know, is necessary for plants to build up green mass. After the appearance of the first flower, nitrogen fertilizers do not need to be applied, since at this time the plant needs more potassium and phosphorus. Fertilizers containing these elements must be applied every 5-10 days during the entire flowering time of the petunia.
Top dressing can be applied both root and foliar. With the root method, they are applied directly to the soil, and with the foliar method, the leaves and stems are sprayed. These methods must be alternated with each other so that nutrients are properly distributed throughout all parts of the plant.
Trading networks offer a range of complex fertilizers for petunias. You can also use traditional methods of feeding, for example, with yeast. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of sugar and 10 grams of compressed yeast per 1 liter of warm water. The solution should be infused for 2 hours, and then it is diluted with water at the rate of 1: 5. Pour this remedy on petunia at the root or spray the leaves.
Fertilizers such as nettle infusion and wood ash have also proven themselves well.
- Water the plant in time, especially on hot days, make sure that the soil is moist. After all, petunia is a moisture-loving plant, and drought can be destructive for it. But an excess of moisture is also harmful to the plant. It can lead to decay of the roots of the plant and to a disease called black leg.
- Periodically loosen the soil.
- Remember to remove the weeds.
- Remove faded buds, since seed pods are formed in them, and if they are not removed in time, the plant will direct all its forces to the maturation of the seeds, and not to the growth of new shoots and flowers.
Do you know how to make petunias bloom gorgeous?
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