Creation of favorable conditions for plum trees

  • Mar 03, 2021
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Good afternoon, my reader. In order for plum trees to bear fruit, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of specialists who give the necessary advice on planting and further caring for this plant.

 Plum. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Plum. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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No pests

If ovaries or fruits fall from the plants, this means that the trees have attacked the larvae of pests such as the moth or sawfly. Wormholes appear on the fruits. You can get rid of parasites using special solutions, for example "Confidor" or "Aktara".

From the moth must be processed in an amount of 2 times, since these insects are hatched three times over the summer.

The puffy leg is more difficult to detect, because it does not damage the fruits, but they crumble. The thing is that the parasites lay their eggs on the seeds of the plum. After about 7-14 days, the fruits fall off. If you break them in two, you will notice that the bone has disintegrated.

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Plum. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Spray after the flowering period and then again after 14 days. If you find loose ovaries, collect them and bury them away from the plant.

Plum soil

If the tree grows on dry ground, then the fruits will be small. Watering should be done at least five times throughout the season. The soil should be moistened to a depth of about 50-60 cm. Water trees more abundantly 14-18 days before harvest.

The composition of the soil is very important for plum trees; they will not yield crops on acidic soil. Its signs are the appearance of white stripes on the soil surface.

For a plum to feel good, it needs earth with a neutral reaction. The acidity can be reduced with slaked lime or sieved ash powder. It is recommended to scatter the substance in the amount of 300-400 g per 1 sq. m.

Plum dressing

The culture reacts negatively to the lack of nitrogen in the soil. This can be determined by a small number of set ovaries, their rapid shedding, the appearance of yellowness on the leaves and a decrease in green foliage.

Plum care. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

With a lack of potassium, already ripe fruits fall off. In any case, the tree should be fed, especially if it grows on poor soil.

At the beginning of summer, gardeners bring a mullein under the plants, irrigate with a prepared solution with liquid manure or bird droppings. Any fast-acting organic will do.

Plum disease

Most of all, the plum tree can be affected by moniliosis. This disease can be identified by the appearance of putrefactive spots on the fruit caused by the fungus. The disease develops quite quickly, because it can be transmitted when the ovaries come into contact with each other. If the infection penetrates the wood, it will completely destroy the plant. Moniliosis can appear on harvested fruits, so it is necessary to start treating trees in a timely manner. You can get rid of the disease with the help of drugs such as Topsin-M and Skor, which are also suitable for processing Horus and Switch.

Have you already planted a plum in your garden?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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