Growing tomatoes according to the Kazarin method

  • Mar 03, 2021

Good afternoon, my reader. What tricks are not used by summer residents to increase the yield and quality of fruits of vegetable crops in their garden. Tomatoes are no exception, they can be found on any site. In the process of growing them, unusual techniques are also used.

 Tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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You can get a large harvest of tomatoes using a technique such as the Kazarin method. In another way, it is called "dry law" for tomatoes. It is important to understand how it works and how to use it correctly.

The essence of the Kazarin method

From the name it is clear that the method consists in the absence of watering. Avoiding regular irrigation helps to improve the nutrition of tomatoes. The yield in this case is always higher, and the fruits themselves are tastier and juicier.

Most gardeners water tomatoes about once a week. With this approach, root development is suppressed. They stop growing before the beginning of fruiting, because there is already enough moisture for the development of the plant. As a result, the root system begins to form only from the moment of mass fruit setting, that is, with a significant delay.

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Such a scenario will definitely not benefit tomatoes: the number of fruits decreases markedly, and the fruiting period begins with a delay. If the plant is deprived of regular watering, the roots will seek moisture on their own. The result is the growth and formation of a powerful root system. It becomes stronger and can fully supply the tomatoes with nutrients when the fruits are full.

Important. The method can be used on various types of soils, except for silty. Without moisture, it will turn into dust. In this case, watering is allowed about once a month.

Method application technology

The application of this method has its own subtleties, and they cannot be ignored. In the process of transplanting seedlings into the greenhouse, each plant must be removed from the glass along with a lump of earth.

Planting tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Advice. When planting seedlings without a soil clod, it is necessary to soak the roots in a clay mash.

The soil for planting must be prepared in advance. For this, furrows are made, designed for 3-4 bushes of tomatoes, half or a third of the stem deep. You need to fill the pit with compost, add fresh ash and fill it with a solution of copper sulfate.

Important. It is necessary to remove all leaves from the bottom of the bushes before planting.

Plants must be placed horizontally in the holes and sprinkled with earth. It is necessary to deepen the bushes by no more than five centimeters. The top is tied to the support. Each furrow should be filled with 4-8 liters of water, while avoiding getting it on the leaves. No watering is required after planting is complete.

Tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

After a while, the bushes will dry out - this is an indicator of root development. It is worth waiting a little, and the plants will get stronger on their own. Hilling bushes will help prevent overheating and speed up plant development.

Advice. After the first harvest appears, it is necessary to regularly remove ripe fruits so as not to overload the bushes and ensure the ripening of new tomatoes.

To get a large harvest of tasty and juicy tomatoes, you need to start watering them no earlier than at the time of mass fruit setting - by this time the roots will have formed. However, experienced gardeners do not advise starting watering even after the ovary appears, since moisture can impair the taste of the fruit.

Have you tried growing tomatoes using the Kazarin method?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about caring for tomatoes in the following article:Secrets of competent tomato care