Good afternoon, my reader. A terrible enemy of nightshade crops is a disease called verticillium wilt (verticillus). Bushes of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants affected by it become lethargic, disappear. Greenhouse vegetation is especially susceptible to this dangerous disease.
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Signs of the morbidity of garden crops with verticillosis
Experienced summer residents will learn that tomato or pepper bushes are affected by verticillary wilting by the following symptoms:
- loss of foliage elasticity (first, the top of the bush withers, and then the rest of the leaves and stems);
- change in color of leaf plates (it becomes "variegated");
- damage to the tissues of the fetus;
- the appearance of a whitish, cobweb-like plaque on the affected areas of the plant;
- the depressed state of a vegetable crop affected by fungal infection;
- crushing fruits on bushes.
If the weather is dry, the foliage on the plant affected by verticillosis turns yellow, dries, falls off. In wet weather, the leaves on the diseased bush hang along the stem.
The cause of the verticillary wilt of nightshade crops is their defeat by the fungus of the genus Verticillium. It tends to penetrate through roots or damage on stems, leaves into a green organism and provoke its incidence.
The causative agent of the disease can live in the garden soil for a long time, persist in plant debris.
The development of this fungal disease is facilitated by hot weather (temperatures above + 24 ° C). Garden crops growing in conditions of neutral soil with a low moisture content (60-70%) are also susceptible to it.
Measures to combat verticillary wilting of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants
It is easier to prevent a dangerous disease than to fight it later. For this reason, experienced gardeners pay special attention to the prevention of verticillosis. It consists in the following activities:
- Compliance with the norms of crop rotation. You cannot grow nightshades in the same place for several years in a row. The return of the garden culture to its original place is possible no earlier than after 3 years.
- Timely destruction of plant residues infected with fungus by burning.
- Maintaining the moisture indicator of the garden soil at 85%. Drying out is unacceptable.
- Using lukewarm, settled water for irrigation.
- Obligatory loosening of the soil (depth - 10 cm) after each watering.
- Regular and timely feeding, in particular phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Fertilize nightshades at least 4 times per season. Experienced gardeners recommend watering plants under the root with an ash infusion (1 glass per 10 liters of water), as well as a superphosphate extract (concentration 0.5%).
- The use of foliar dressing. To increase the resistance of bushes of peppers or tomatoes to verticillium wilt, they are sprayed on the leaf with a solution prepared from components such as potassium permanganate (10 g), copper sulfate (2 g), boric acid (3 g), zinc sulfate (2 g), water (10 l). The first time to process the planting with this tool should be after picking the plants, the second - after 10 days, the third - after 3 weeks, the fourth - after 1 month.
If preventive measures did not help, and the disease struck the garden culture, fungicidal preparations will help to fight the scourge. A planting of peppers, eggplants or tomatoes that has suffered from verticillary wilting will need to be sprayed with a solution of Previkura, Fitosporin or Trichodermina.
By paying special attention to the prevention of a dangerous fungal disease, you can avoid complications caused by it, and get a good harvest of healthy and tasty fruits in your personal plot.
Do you know how to protect vegetables from verticillitis?
Original article and many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.
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