How to treat cucumbers: advice from experienced summer residents

  • Mar 04, 2021
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Good afternoon, my reader. The main problem with cucumbers is their love of moisture. It is such an environment that is a haven for microbes. Therefore, when sowing and growing cucumbers, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules, ignoring which will lead to the death of the crop and wasted time. Therefore, in this article we will teach you how to identify diseases and apply prevention, which will make it possible to get healthy fruits.

 Cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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Why do the leaves turn yellow

This is due to temperature changes and becomes the reason for the termination of fruiting. Therefore, to avoid such problems, cover the leaves overnight or grow cucumbers in a greenhouse.

The second reason for yellow leaves is a lack of potassium. Therefore, spray the shoots with the infusion of wood ash. This is done as follows: dilute 3 tablespoons of ash in a liter of boiled water and leave for a week. Filter, feed the roots. Or make a decoction of onion husks: pour 100 grams with a bucket of water and boil for 7 minutes. After the broth has cooled, use a liter per well.

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How to deal with fungus and infection

Many of you have seen powdery mildew: white or reddish spots on the leaves. So, this fungus is able to completely kill the plant! The reasons for the development of infection are irregular watering and excess nitrogen. Therefore, before planting a plant, treat the land with fungicides. Plants can be cured with the following drugs: Topaz, Hom, colloidal sulfur.

To kill powdery mildew, use an infusion of mullein in a ratio of 1kg to 3 liters of water.

A solution of kefir, sodium bicarbonate or a non-aggressive detergent in water fights infection well.

Leaves began to rot

To avoid this, disinfect the soil before planting. Do not over-plant cucumbers. Affected leaves should be torn off immediately. To fight rot, buy Roval or Bayleton.

What to do if the root begins to rot or dry out

Occurs due to frequent watering or sudden changes in temperature. To avoid this, water the cucumbers in moderation, that is, the ground should be slightly damp. If root rot is already allowed, spray the shoots.

Cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

To form new roots, make a simple maneuver: from the beginning of the shoot, cut off some leaves, lay it on the ground and sprinkle with soil. To prevent root decay, water only with settled water under the root, but without eroding it.

General tips for growing healthy cucumbers

To avoid infectious damage to cucumbers, use the following drugs: "Acrobat MC", "Infinito", "Ranman", "Armetil M 72", "Ridomil MC", Dove, "Medyan", copper oxychloride.

Cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

From folk remedies, a good option is horsetail infusion. Recipe: Mix 300 grams of fresh horsetail from 100 grams of dried per 3 liters of water. Boil this mass and cool to room temperature. We insist for a day. We apply this solution once a week.

Another option for treating cucumbers is a solution of yeast and water. Dissolve 30 grams of dry yeast in 5 liters of water, let it ferment. We water once a week.

However, if infectious diseases cannot be cured, dig up the shoot with soil and burn it so as not to infect healthy plants.

Do you know how to treat cucumbers?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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