Why experienced motorists do not lubricate wheel bolts and discourage others

  • Mar 15, 2021
Why experienced motorists do not lubricate wheel bolts and discourage others
Why experienced motorists do not lubricate wheel bolts and discourage others

In the vastness of the domestic segment of the Internet, every now and then you come across unfortunate advice that the wheel bolts would be nice to lubricate. Experienced motorists will most likely advise to do the opposite thing - do not lubricate the mentioned hardware in any case. What is the root of the dispute and the essence of the question, and most importantly: is it worth or is it not worth covering the wheel bolts with grease?

Do not lubricate the wheel bolts. | Photo: yandex.uz.
Do not lubricate the wheel bolts. | Photo: yandex.uz.

It should be noted right away that it is impossible to lubricate the wheel bolts. If this is actually the case, then where do the numerous “cool” tips on how to lubricate hardware come from in this case? The secret is really simple and terrifying. The fact is that many drivers, when trying to replace a wheel, are faced with an unpleasant surprise - they cannot unscrew it. When they do succeed, then with a high degree of probability citizens are visited by a pest muse, which unequivocally suggests that in order to avoid similar problems in the future, you should lubricate bolts.

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It is important to tighten correctly, not to overdo it. | Photo: mirtesen.ru.

Most often, the bolts will not loosen for one of two reasons. First, like any other metal product, the bolts on the wheel can simply sour. A layer of rust and dirt will naturally interfere with the removal of the wheel and significantly complicate the work of replacing an important part. Secondly, the bolts may not loosen also due to the fact that the last time they were tightened "with all my heart", as a result of which the thread was damaged. Very often, inexperienced motorists and careless service station masters, who absolutely do not care about their work, sin like this.

A greased bolt can easily loosen. | Photo: mirtesen.ru.

The fact is that the wheel bolts must be tightened with a strictly defined force. The manufacturer recommends applying a torque of 100-120 Nm to the tightening. Less is as much as more is worse. For this, the workshop must use special keys. However, with a well-trained hand, you can tighten the hardware quite successfully and without any additional equipment.

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A greased bolt is the road to tragedy. | Photo: theworldnews.net.

As for the ban on lubrication, in reality everything should be quite obvious here for those who are familiar with at least the basics of mechanics. The wheel bolt is constantly under the influence of powerful vibration during movement. If you lubricate it, then sooner or later the wheel will simply spin, which in turn is guaranteed to cause an accident. So, never lubricate the car wheel bolts.

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The wheels need constant care. ¦Photo: evik-mogilev.by.

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