5 things in the car that will help to accurately determine its technical condition

  • Mar 15, 2021
5 things in the car that will help to accurately determine its technical condition
5 things in the car that will help to accurately determine its technical condition

Choosing a car in the secondary market is a very difficult undertaking. Especially for the inexperienced or novice motorist. However, even people with many years of experience can find it difficult to determine the technical condition of a car without the help of a qualified specialist. Not everyone and not always have the time and money for the latter, so it’s good to know at least the most revealing things that you should pay attention to when choosing a car.

1. Car mileage

The mileage of a car can say a lot, as can its absence. | Photo: motorserv.ru.
The mileage of a car can say a lot, as can its absence. | Photo: motorserv.ru.

Car mileage is the first important thing to look for when choosing a car. For most foreign cars, the service life is 300 thousand kilometers. After that, all the main units will have to be either overhauled or changed altogether. It is also worth noting that many motors and gearboxes require overhaul after 100 thousand kilometers.
Of course, the mileage can be twisted, so you should check the car on special equipment.

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2. Battery condition

First of all, you should pay attention to the terminals. | Photo: vk.com.

The battery is not the best assistant in choosing a used car, but you need to pay close attention to it too. Or rather, to the terminals of the storage battery. The presence of numerous scratches on them may indicate that the car recently spent a lot of time in repairs, where the battery was removed and put back again and again.

3. Motor condition

The condition of the engine can be determined by the cleanliness of the pipe. | Photo: bumper.guru.

Determining the condition of the motor by studying the power unit itself when buying a car on the secondary market will be quite problematic. This is because even conscientious owners have a habit of cleaning the engine and all its elements almost to a crystal shine. Much better to turn your attention to the exhaust system. If the pipe is excessively dirty, then obviously the machine has some problems with the piston group or valves.

4. Suspension and steering condition

Tire wear can tell a lot. | Photo: news.21.by.

The condition of the car tires is highly likely to allow you to recognize the presence (or absence) of problems with the chassis of the car and its suspension. Any uneven tread wear indicates, at a minimum, wheel alignment problems. Although, if the car is old, then it is much more likely that it has more serious "sores".

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5. Condition of electrical equipment

Better to leave such things to the experts to check. | Photo: sto-mf.by.

The appearance of errors on the dashboard, the engine does not immediately turn on after turning the key, pop-up warning signs on the information board - all of this eloquently indicates the presence of serious problems with electronics. It is possible to hide such problems, but usually any attempts cost the owner a pretty penny.

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And also: car body

It is worth looking carefully for dents. ¦ Photo: autosmotr.ru.

It is impossible not to mention that one should also look closely at the car body. Here we are talking not only about corrosion, but also about numerous defects that are guaranteed to remain after an accident (including small ones), as well as after getting into the body of various small objects at a high speed. For example, debris and stones. An absolutely perfect body should also cause suspicion, especially when it comes to cars around the age of 10 years.

If you want to know even more interesting things, then you should read about
how to definewhen outbids try to foist a drowned car.
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