How activated carbon can help ornamental plants

  • Mar 16, 2021
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Good afternoon, my reader. Activated carbon contains absolutely no nutrients. But with it, you can solve most of the problems that arise in indoor plants.

 Indoor flowers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Indoor flowers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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Cases of using activated carbon

The ability of a substance to absorb liquid, microorganisms and chemical compounds contained in it is an ideal help for solving the following problems:

  1. Reduce the amount of moisture in the soil when the root system decays.
  2. Reduce the level of chemical compounds and metals contained in the soil.
  3. Stop the reproduction and spread of harmful microorganisms.
  4. Reduce soil acidity.

The starch used to keep the tablets in shape will feed the plant and give it strength.

The preparation, crushed to a powdery state, will help protect open wounds of plants from the penetration of infections and microbes. Wounds can be obtained by pruning, transplanting and careless handling of the flower.

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Powdered charcoal will help get rid of mold that occurs on the top layer of the earth. To do this, remove the top layer of soil and sprinkle the exposed soil with coal powder 2-3 times a week.

Watering with coal powder dissolved in water will help to reduce the acidity of the soil and improve its condition. Even a small amount of powder added to the irrigation water will help get rid of the acidity.

Charcoal for flowers. Illustration for the article is used from

How to use activated carbon

There are three common ways of using the drug in indoor ornamental plants:

  1. Dry application. One tablet is divided into 4 equal parts and immersed 1 cm deep into the soil in different parts of the pot. For a small pot, you will need 2 activated charcoal tablets.
  2. Hidden application. Used to reduce water hardness. 2 tablets are dissolved in 0.5 l of water. The resulting solution is watered over the plants. Hidden use contributes to the destruction of fungi growing in the soil.
  3. Reusable use. Suitable for severe cases when mold or mildew has already developed in the soil. To save the roots from decay, 4 whole tablets of coal are spread on the surface of the soil at the same distance from each other. Cover the soil with tablets with a thin cloth and leave for 8 hours. After that, it is necessary to remove the used tablets and repeat the whole process 2 more times. This method helps to remove excess water not only from the surface, but also from deep soil layers. Reduces the risk of root and stem rot of ornamental plants to a minimum.
Activated carbon powder is very useful for plant cuttings. Added to containers with water and cuttings, it acts as a root-forming agent. In addition to active root growth, charcoal powder will protect the cuttings from infections and fungi.

Do you know how activated carbon can help ornamental plants?

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