Why do they sometimes drill a hole in the "skirt" of an automobile piston

  • Mar 23, 2021
Why do they sometimes drill a hole in the "skirt" of an automobile piston
Why do they sometimes drill a hole in the "skirt" of an automobile piston

There is a huge amount of advice on the Internet of varying degrees of usefulness (and harmfulness) on how you can modify the design of your car in order to improve certain of its characteristics. One of the most popular ways to modernize the power unit can be safely considered the creation of holes in the piston skirt. It's time to figure out why some people do this and whether there is any sense in all this.

Such holes are drilled. | Photo: drive2.com.
Such holes are drilled. | Photo: drive2.com.

The very idea of ​​drilling holes in the skirt of an automobile piston appeared more than a decade ago. In their native open spaces, there was still no Internet close, and domestic motorists were already drilling pistons. This was dictated by the fact that drivers often complained about the quality of the motors and tried with all their might to make them even more enduring. The bottom line is that high-performance powertrains (usually) are equipped with more complex pistons that do not have any skirts.

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The revision idea was interesting. | Photo: drive2.com.

Back in Soviet times, motorists came to the conclusion that due to too high walls, pistons with skirts do not get a sufficient amount of lubricant, which ultimately negatively affects the ease and speed of their movement. Thus, drilling a hole should have solved two problems at once.

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The motor power is really growing. ¦ Photo: wallpaperscave.com.

First, it is believed that the hole greatly simplifies the access of lubricants to all places and elements of an important part. Secondly, domestic motorists suggested that reducing the mass of the piston by drilling in its design of an additional hole, will increase the efficiency of the entire power installation. The most amazing thing is that both have actually turned out to be true and contribute to the performance of the car.

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It is fraught with overheating of the motor and serious damage. ¦ Photo: ms-48.ru.

However, one should not forget that such modernization also has negative consequences. First of all, drilling holes significantly impairs the ability to conduct heat. As a result, the piston can become a source of local engine overheating. And this, in turn, is fraught with a whole beech of various breakdowns.

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