Why add baking soda to minced meatballs

  • Mar 29, 2021
Why add baking soda to minced meatballs
Why add baking soda to minced meatballs

Baking soda is the healthiest ingredient on the farm. Every experienced housewife knows this. Soda is used as a food additive with virtually any food and ingredient. First of all, this applies to a variety of meat products and fish. Baking soda is also added to minced meat for cutlets. There remains only one quite logical question: why do you need to do this at all?

Soda is an indispensable product in the kitchen. | Photo: wisdomeast.info.
Soda is an indispensable product in the kitchen. | Photo: wisdomeast.info.

Baking soda is added to the minced meat in order to make the meat softer and more tasty. Sodium bicarbonate chemically reacts with water to form carbon dioxide. Subsequently, sodium helps to retain water inside the minced meat, making the surface of the meat drier. You can add soda not only to minced meatballs, but also to meat, including kebabs.

Even the best minced meat can always be made better. | Photo: 365news.biz.

Meat products are processed with a special solution. For 1 liter of water, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda. After that, part of the solution (for juiciness) is poured into the minced meat, and the product is thoroughly mixed. If you need to process whole pieces of meat, then each of them is carefully rubbed on all sides with a solution by hand. After that, the meat product must be left to infuse for about 1.5-2 hours. It is best to send the meat or minced meat to the refrigerator. 5-10 minutes before the start of cooking, add pepper and salt to taste without fail.

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The advice is relevant mainly for cutlets. | Photo: love.ru.

Sodium bicarbonate allows you to remove the acid present in meat tissues, significantly increasing the taste of the product. It also removes odors from the meat. However, there are a few important things to consider when using baking soda. Firstly, soda cannot be added to minced meat for meatballs, dumplings, stuffed peppers, since when frying, soda can seriously spoil the taste. Secondly, it is strictly forbidden to mix soda and milk. This mixture is guaranteed to spoil the taste of the dish. Thirdly, before adding baking soda, the minced meat must be thoroughly mixed to saturate the pores of the meat with oxygen.

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After adding baking soda, any patties will only get better. ¦Photo: goodfon.ru.

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