How to correctly take readings from a two-tariff electric meter and who benefits from these meters?

  • Mar 30, 2021
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To take readings, you need to know the designation of the day and night tariff for the installed model of the electricity meter. Typically, these parameters are designated as follows:

  • T1 or T - general data;
T1 or T - general data;
T1 or T - general data;
  • T11 or T1 - readings of the daily rate;
T11 or T1 - readings of the daily rate;
T11 or T1 - readings of the daily rate;
  • T12 or T2 - night rate readings.
T12 or T2 - night rate readings.

In some models of two-tariff electricity meters, this data is changed automatically at a specified frequency. In others, they are changed by pressing the corresponding button.

IMPORTANT! To pay the bill for consumed electricity, you will need to write out the numbers to the left to the decimal point (or to the point - depending on the model).

First, the receipt for payment indicates the readings of the day rate, then the night rate. If you have an electronic account, the data can be entered through the online form.

Who benefits from these electricity meters?

The use of a two-tariff electricity meter will not be beneficial for everyone, therefore, before purchasing such an electricity meter, it is necessary to consider the following criteria:

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  • Does the utility in your area use day and night billing options? If not, then a two-tariff electricity meter will not help to save money in any way.
  • In your house or apartment, powerful electrical equipment is actively used - ovens and ovens for cooking, washing machines, microwave ovens and etc. If you use gas appliances, and from electrical consumers you only have a refrigerator, TV and LED lamps, you will not save see.
  • For heating, an electric underfloor heating or an electric boiler, a boiler is used. Then the installation of a two-tariff electricity meter with tariff division is more than justified.
  • You can organize the work of powerful electrical equipment from 23:00 to 07:00. If the whole family goes to bed early and you don't have a portable timer, then a two-rate electricity meter will be useless.

For more information on this topic and other topics related to dual-rate meters, see our new video: