How to achieve a crop currant using soda

  • Dec 24, 2019

Baking soda is used not only in the kitchen but also in horticulture. Solution based on it are fed berry bushes and treated crops when the appearance of harmful insects.

currant cultivation. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
currant cultivation. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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As a stimulant fertilizer

A solution of baking soda relates to an effective fertilizer. It stimulates the formation of stems and ovaries. Fertilizing based soda helps to increase the amount of berries to make them sweeter and more aromatic.

If currant planted on acid soil, it will help improve the situation watering with a weak solution of sodium bicarbonate. He will make the soil more neutral.

Root feeding will prolong the time of fruiting shrubs and serve as an impetus for the formation of new ovaries. Before making fertilizer soil abundantly watered. Then 30 g was mixed with 10 l of soda or defended rainwater and feeding is performed. On the bush 1 will need 500 ml of solution.

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During transplanting bushes or drop-off of young seedlings in each hole, you can add 1/2 hours. l. sodium hydrogencarbonate. This saves the root system of plants against pests and will give an impetus for growth.

To stimulate growth currant apply regular feeding bushes weak soda solution. 10 liters of water taking 10 g of a powder. Making the root or sprayed crown obtained composition. Top dressing is carried out at least 3 times.

The first introduction occurs at the beginning of June. The second time fertilize currants should be in the second half of July. The third time the bushes watered in September and October before hibernation. This will help form the young currant buds that will develop in the early spring.

In order to combat diseases and pests

In the spring of currant bushes are often exposed to the invasion of aphids. These small insects feed on young leaves, while stressing the sticky secretion. These secretions are attracted to the plantations of other pests. Bushes will suffer heavy damage and you can lose a crop completely.

Gardeners for the control of insects using improvised means. Currant soda is used not only as a fertilizer, but also as an effective drug against aphids.

To prepare the solution of item 2 is required. l. food or soda ash, 1 tbsp. l. milled to a fine grater soap and 1 liter of distilled water or defended. All components are thoroughly mixed until smooth. Water is recommended to use warm (+30... + 50 ° C). In this environment, the components dissolve more thoroughly.

The composition is used to spray bush via atomizer. The procedure is recommended to be carried out in dry and calm weather. Thus it is necessary to watch, that means big drops did not fall on the leaf plate. Otherwise a high probability of getting burned.

Processing currant bushes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Processing currant bushes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Use composition for the treatment is necessary in the first 3 hours after shaking. If you overdo the solution, its effectiveness is greatly reduced. Treatment should be no more than 1 time in 8-10 days.

Baking soda, falling to harmful insects, causing them damage resistant, resulting in death. Laundry soap is added to the solution for a better grip means and the surface of the leaves and twigs. This helps the soda to act for a longer time, because of which increases the effectiveness of treatment.

Use baking soda in the struggle not only with the aphids, but also caterpillars, ants and slugs. If the berry plantings struck mildew, a means to quickly cope with this disease.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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