How to soothe a crying baby for a couple of seconds: pediatrician Council with 30 years of experience

  • Dec 24, 2019

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Mission: To soothe the baby for 5 seconds.
Mission: To soothe the baby for 5 seconds.

Nothing so lowers the parental self-esteem as a child crying. And it is necessary to hear oh, how often. Especially in the first years of life. No wonder that every family coming up the whole system lulling kids. The collection "antiplach" does not hurt to add and entertaining life hacking from a pediatrician with experience. This magical way it soothes naughty kids literally in five seconds.

This doctor seasick any child.
This doctor seasick any child.

Even at the dawn of human existence primitive mother noticed that if you shake a crying cub, then sooner or later it will calm down. There has been a discovery, probably at the level of intuition. And today, thousands of years later, a respected physician suggests its addition to the prehistoric art. Lulling the method Dr. Robert Gamiltona (Dr. Robert Hamilton) It stops the flow of children's tears once or twice. So what's the secret?

Tranquility: no one is choking!
Tranquility: no one is choking!

Firstly, in the experience. Gamilton pediatrician for over 30 years and is well aware of the work of the child's body. No wonder it is often invited as an expert in all kinds of TV shows. And secondly, in the art. The secret is that you need to rock, gently holding the baby in a certain position. Do not worry: no one is choking!

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The optimum position for motion sickness.
The optimum position for motion sickness.


Doctor shows parents that you need in one hand and gently press the handle gently to the baby's chest, and the other to hold the fifth point.


The almost vertical position the child feels safe, and parents easier it is to rock.

Kids' tverk ".

And this is the crowning movement. Maybe it's the secret?

Master class on lulling, which is worth a look for sure all parents and grandparents.

"Hamilton's method" works so effectively that doctors often suggest to pass the test of the most fractious child in various TV shows. The video above will make sure to smile!

And for parents older kids - Psychologists advise how to calm naughty child all in one sentence. When "take the hands" does not help.

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