Cucumber leaves turn yellow and dry - causes and solutions to the problem

  • Apr 10, 2021
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Good afternoon, my reader. When growing cucumbers, it is important to control the condition of the plants in order to get a harvest of high-quality fragrant and crunchy greens. In case of untimely appearance of yellowness on the leaves, followed by their drying, it is necessary to identify the factors provoking trouble in order to take measures to save the cucumber lashes.

 Cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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Causes of yellowing of leaves

There are several factors that cause the untimely appearance of yellowness on the leaf plates of cucumber bushes:

  • Unbalanced watering. With a lack of moisture, the vegetable crop is dehydrated, which negatively affects the aboveground part. Scourges and leaves turn yellow quickly and then dry out. Excessive waterlogging of the soil is also dangerous. If this phenomenon is observed for a long time, then the roots rot, which sometimes causes the complete death of the entire cucumber bush.
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  • Deficiency of mineral compounds. For high-quality fruiting and active growth, cucumbers need systematic feeding. During the growing season, special complexes are used.
  • Regular hypothermia. Cucumbers belong to the list of heat-loving vegetables. With a sharp drop in temperature, the plants slow down their development and lose the juicy green color of the aboveground part.
  • Sunburn. When watering on a hot day, drops of moisture remain on the leaf blades. The sun's rays, refracting in them, cause burns that appear in the form of yellow marks. It is necessary to practice watering in the evening or early morning.
  • Diseases. You need to constantly inspect cucumber bushes in order to timely notice signs of common viral or fungal diseases. Fusarium, which is characterized by yellowing of leaves and stems, is more often manifested on cucumber plantings.
  • Root damage. When pests appear in the soil that destroy root shoots or if the roots are damaged during the transplantation stage seedlings in the garden, as well as during loosening and weeding, the leaves gradually curl, then begin to dry out.
  • Lack of lighting. Prolonged deficiency of sunlight causes yellowness on the aboveground part of cucumber bushes, accompanied by a gradual drying of the leaves.
Cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
It is necessary at the first signs of trouble to qualitatively inspect the cucumber plantings. Having understood the reason, they decide to make adjustments to the organization of care.

Ways to rectify the situation

Check for signs of the appearance of harmful insects or the development of a disease on cucumber whips that turned yellow ahead of time.

The fight should be started at the first symptoms:

  • Spraying is carried out with special preparations against fungal infections. Bordeaux (1%) liquid is successfully used.
  • To cope with aphids, use nitroammophos. It will take 3 tbsp. l. fertilizers per 10 liters of settled water. Knead thoroughly. The solution is irrigated with the entire aboveground part of the cucumbers and the surface of the garden.
  • Colloidal sulfur (80 g / 10 l of water) effectively helps against spider mites.
  • If there are signs of a black leg, it is necessary to disinfect the soil with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate.

If the cause of untimely yellowing is an excessively dense arrangement of plants, then thinning is carried out. This allows you to provide the cucumber bushes with the necessary amount of nutrition, and also creates conditions for uniform lighting.

Cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Be sure to think over a feeding system. It is convenient to use a special mineral complex, which contains nitrogen in the required concentration. This element ensures the preservation of the juicy green color of the foliage, promotes active growth and improves fruiting rates.

Organize an optimal watering regime. The water should not be cold. It is defended in barrels. When applied, moisture should seep into the ground up to 10-15 cm in depth. On average, in dry weather, cucumbers are watered with an interval of 2-3 days. Consumption rate - 10 l / m 2.

To exclude excessive waterlogging, loosening is carried out in a timely manner, breaking the surface crust. You can add a handful of ash under each bush.

If cucumbers are cultivated in a greenhouse, daily ventilation is practiced, which is necessary to eliminate the risk of developing infections and the appearance of pests.

For high-quality development, cucumbers require a daily temperature of 20-24 degrees before the ovaries appear. At night, indicators can be 17-18 degrees. During the fruiting period, it is taken into account that the air should warm up to 23-26 degrees during the day. Night lowering is allowed up to 18-20 degrees. In case of an unfavorable prognosis, implying a sharp cold snap, cover the beds with non-woven fabric.

When cultivating cucumbers, to prevent possible untimely yellowing and drying of the leaves, it is important to follow all the techniques agricultural techniques, starting with the choice of a sunny place for planting with protection from cold wind currents and ending with a competent systematic leaving.

Do you know why cucumber leaves turn yellow and dry?

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