5 home remedies that instantly bring back to normal high pressure

  • Dec 24, 2019

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 Normal pressure without medication.
Normal pressure without medication.

High blood pressure - one of the most common ailments in adults. If not controlled, the consequences can be very sad. Modern drugs are able to remove any symptoms, but why spend money and poison the organism, if simple and natural methods to help not worse? Almost every house has a large part of the funds from this list.

serious danger

Arterial hypertension - a dangerous disease. / Photo: mycirclecare.com
Arterial hypertension - a dangerous disease. / Photo: mycirclecare.com

High blood pressure - parameters 140 is 90 or higher. Of hypertensive disease affects about one third of the adult population, among people over 65 years, this problem is more common - up to 65%. In itself, this condition does not bring anything pleasant, and in addition to it has to be faced with a long list of other dangerous diseases: an increase in heart cardiac or renal failure, deterioration of intellect, stroke, etc. Even a single bout of high blood pressure - a good reason to prepare.

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Why is that?

From high blood pressure affects one in three adults. / Photo: deepayurveda.com
From high blood pressure affects one in three adults. / Photo: deepayurveda.com

The possible causes of the disease is actually quite a lot. Among the most common:

• bad ecology;
• sedentary lifestyle;
• abuse of pain medication or birth control pills;
• Frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages;
• genetic predisposition;
• constant stress;
• kidney disease or adrenal glands;
• overreliance salty food;
• excess weight.

Some pills are harmful instead of good, need to be especially careful. / Photos: scopeblog.stanford.edu
Some pills are harmful instead of good, need to be especially careful. / Photos: scopeblog.stanford.edu

Regardless of the underlying causes, People 5 effective methods normalize high blood pressure for a few minutes, and remove all the unpleasant symptoms.

1. Banana

Banana can make a delicious and healthy beverage. / Photo: midwestmodernmomma.com
Banana can make a delicious and healthy beverage. / Photo: midwestmodernmomma.com

Excellent taste and a lot of useful components. Everyone's favorite banana - necessary for high-grade fruit metabolism. It helps the body to work like clockwork. Banana - potassium valuable fount that promotes the disposal of excess sodium. In order to achieve sustainable positive effect and always maintain blood pressure is normal, you need every day to drink a delicious and nutritious drink based on a banana. Two ripe fruit must be cleaned from the skin and send it to the blender. They add a glass of cold milk and beat for a few seconds. Such a refreshing fruit drink will be useful to people of any age, including children.

2. Celery

Celery for every day. / Photo: i.ytimg.com
Celery for every day. / Photo: i.ytimg.com

Celery is able not only to normalize high blood pressure. He has a positive effect on the entire circulatory system as a whole. The plant comprises a particular phytochemical component called 3-N-butylphthalide, which eliminates the unpleasant symptoms associated with hypertension at any age. The food can be added to all parts of celery - roots, leaves, stems, petioles. But the most noticeable effect has the stem. Enough to eat one a day with a glass of water to completely forget about the problem with the pressure.

3. coconut water

Tasty drink - benefit to the organism. / Photo: thefitglobal.com
Tasty drink - benefit to the organism. / Photo: thefitglobal.com

This extraordinary means copes with moisturizing body. Coconut water can replace ordinary - and tasty, and useful. The day is recommended to drink 1-1.5 liters. Pleasant sweet taste gives a good mood, and the large amount of nutrients has a positive effect on overall health and prevent high blood pressure, seizures. To really bring benefits to the body, it is better to buy real coconuts. Splits them, can obtain natural and pure coconut water. Not a bad alternative - buying a ready-made coconut water.

4. Seeds of watermelon

watermelon seeds is not necessary to throw. / Photo: healthadvice365.com
watermelon seeds is not necessary to throw. / Photo: healthadvice365.com

The seeds of watermelon contains kukurbotsitrin. It strengthens the walls of blood capillaries and moderate expansion. Due to this effect, all the trouble with high blood pressure are solved very quickly. The substance in the seeds of watermelon healing effect not only on the cardiovascular system, but also effectively heals the kidneys and treating arthritis. To get the drug mixture to grind together 3 tablespoons poppy seeds and watermelon. I should get a very fine powder. The resulting mixture is washed down with water, drink it throughout the day. Better only twice: in the morning before meals and at night.

5. Garlic

Garlic helps not only against evil forces. / Photo: 3.bp.blogspot.com
Garlic helps not only against evil forces. / Photo: 3.bp.blogspot.com

Everyone knows that garlic - a very useful product. But not all suspected that he was just "a bang" controls blood pressure. Garlic normalizes cholesterol level in the blood, preventing the emergence of serious diseases. To feel useful effect, need to eat several cloves every morning. Not necessarily safe and just like that, you can add to a dish, but fresh.

Continuing the food theme - 17 delicious dishes and beverages, banned in many countries.

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