Cauliflower: how to eliminate mistakes and grow a quality crop

  • Apr 11, 2021
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Good afternoon, my reader. There are many reasons why a cauliflower cultivation experiment might fail. And this applies not only to novice gardeners, but also quite experienced ones.

 Cauliflower. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Cauliflower. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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So what mistakes do summer residents generally make?

  1. The plant does not form a head of cabbage.
  2. Head of cabbage is formed, but small or with defects.
  3. The head of cabbage can darken and change the taste.
  4. Dark villi appear on the surface of the head of cabbage, and it itself is soft.
  5. The head of cabbage can crumble.
  6. The root system begins to rot.

These are the main problems we will consider.

Cabbage does not form a head of cabbage

Why is this happening? And the reason is that poor quality seedlings were planted. If during the period of seed growth they were poorly watered or the growing pots were small, less than 10 sq. centimeters, roots and small leaves of a plant, after planting in the ground, germinate very hard, and their strength is not enough to set a head of cabbage.

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Another reason is planting early in cold or very hot weather. The optimum temperature for the formation of heads of cabbage is 18-20 degrees. Poor soil moisture or lack of fertilizer, a shaded area are factors that also interfere with the set of heads of cabbage.
Cauliflower. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Small defective head of cabbage

Like the previous reason, this one also arises from the quality of the planting material, or rather poor care for it. Lack of fertilizing or watering or soil that is not suitable for the crop are also factors that prevent the heads from developing correctly.

Lack of molybdenum and boron in the soil can also become a factor in the development of defective, small-sized heads of cabbage.

Darkening and deterioration in taste of cauliflower

Even if you have healthy, correct-sized cabbages on your site, it may happen that over time they darken or change color to purple or green, and the cabbage becomes tasteless.

To avoid this, it is worth shading the heads a little, although cauliflower is considered a photophilous plant. This is easy to do - you just need to break the leaves a little and cover the heads with them.

The appearance of dark villi and loose heads of cabbage

Sometimes a loose head of cabbage grows, its inflorescences are divided into separate segments with a dark pile on the surface. This may be due to insufficient soil moisture, overgrown seedlings, or due to dry weather for a long time. Sudden temperature fluctuations or prolonged precipitation are also the reason why cabbage heads have a fleecy surface or a loose structure.

Loose heads of cabbage

If the heads of cabbage do not have a dense structure and are divided into separate inflorescences, then the reason is that the culture has outgrown. To eliminate this, you need to harvest on time.

Cauliflower. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Here are some more factors of head stratification: too much nitrogen in the soil, which got there when fertilizing cabbage, improper watering.

Decay of the root system

This cabbage is very fond of water. But if moisture stagnates too much in the soil, then the roots of the plant begin to rot due to the fact that pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply in them. The same can happen due to too cold water or fertilization of this vegetable crop with fresh cow or chicken manure.

Do you know how to eliminate mistakes and grow a quality cauliflower crop?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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