4 common pests of young cabbage: what methods to fight?

  • Apr 14, 2021
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Good afternoon, my reader. Unfortunately, the generous yields of young cabbage do not only depend on weather conditions and standard crop care. The plant is often damaged by various insects. To save the crop, you need to know what pests threaten it and how to deal with them.

 Cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
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Cabbage moth

Small moths with a wingspan of 12 to 16 mm, feed on nectar. And their offspring (caterpillars) devour the leaves of cruciferous crops to the veins. Pests are taken inside the leaf plates. Therefore, they can be found after, having reached a large size, they get out.

Affected cabbage leaves look faded, inside of them "tunnels" left by insects are noticeable. You can get rid of a harmful insect by treating the bushes with chemicals: Antitlin, Alatar, Gerold, etc. As a preventive measure, at the end of the season, the garden bed is dug to the depth of the shovel bayonet, and the plant residues are collected and destroyed.

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Cabbage scoop

Omnivorous moths feed on leaves of different crops, but cruciferous ones prefer more than others. Insects reproduce actively in warm weather in a moderately humid environment.

The greatest danger is posed by the new generation of caterpillars. They damage the cabbage even inside the head of cabbage. The eaten plant begins to rot. Traces of insect activity are clearly visible along the winding passages leading into the cabbage heads.

Cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Plants are treated with drugs: "Kinmix", "Alatar", "Fufanon-Nova" or others. During the growing season, it is important to monitor the condition of the soil: loosen the aisles and destroy weeds in a timely manner.

Babanukha (Cabbage leaf beetle)

Small dark green bugs (about 4.5 mm), eating the leaves of young cabbage, multiply very quickly. Their voracious larvae can completely destroy seedlings in a matter of days. Damaged plants become vulnerable to bacterial and fungal infections.

You can get rid of insects by treating the bushes with chemicals: Aliot, Aktara, Karbotsin, Alatar, Fufanon-Nova, etc. For prevention, weed control (especially cruciferous), mulching, loosening and deep plowing of the beds are recommended.

Cruciferous bugs

These pests, feeding on plant cell sap, are clearly visible on young cabbage due to their bright color. Leaves damaged by insects begin to curl and turn yellow. Adult bushes slow down the formation of heads of cabbage, and young ones simply die.

The damaged plant is treated with acaricides: "Alatar", "Kinmiks", "Aktara", etc. For preventive purposes, the beds are dug up annually for the winter. And in the season, early planting of seedlings, loosening of the soil and removal of weeds are recommended.

Cruciferous bugs. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Folk remedies against pests

Not all gardeners use aggressive chemicals in pest control. Some, according to the established tradition, use the old-fashioned methods. Especially shortly before harvest, when the use of insecticides is undesirable.

Garlic infusion

Peeled and chopped chives (250 g), along with the remaining husk, are poured into a bucket of warm water. A large bunch of celandine and wormwood is also added there. The composition is covered with a lid (film) and left to infuse for a day. After 24 hours, the cooled agent is used to spray cabbage leaves. The remains of the infusion can be used to water the garden.

Infusion of tobacco dust

To prepare the product, a glass of tobacco chips (dust) is poured with 10 liters of hot water. 50 g of crushed laundry soap is added to this composition. The mixture is left to infuse for 24 hours. The finished product is sprayed with cabbage bushes as needed.

Young cabbage leaves are too vulnerable to numerous pests. To protect the crop, you need to observe crop rotation and adhere to the requirements of agricultural technology.

Do you know how to deal with cabbage pests?

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