Is it difficult to lay the gas block, do you need to "be afraid" of it? Telling from my own experience # 21

  • May 05, 2021

Why my personality chose the gas block for construction, I told earlier to my "accomplices". Looking ahead, I will say that the box at home has already been raised. With my own hands, without an assistant, I laid 28 cubes of aerated concrete on foam glue. I have the right to tell you what "pleasant" problems you may encounter if you carry out the masonry yourself.

Is it difficult to lay the gas block, do you need to "be afraid" of it? Telling from my own experience # 21

Long exposure of the first row

If possible, invite an experienced bricklayer to accurately lay the first row. Why is it important? As the first row will be laid out, so will the subsequent ones. If the difference between the rows and blocks is high, then the hassle is provided. Check the diagonals, it depends on how crooked your house will be.

Is it difficult to lay the gas block, do you need to "be afraid" of it? Telling from my own experience # 21

Relatively heavy blocks

The weight of blocks for walls, depending on the size and strength, varies from 20 to 50 kg. If the "400" block weighs 40 kg, then lifting it will require good physical fitness. My blocks weigh 30 kg. But it is already difficult to lay them, if you do not know some methods of "harmless" work with them.

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Dusty reinforcement

According to the technology, it is required to reinforce, starting from the first, every third row. And these are not empty words be sure to reinforce. This process is rather dusty, because it is necessary to make cuts in the body of the blocks, which is very annoying. In addition, it will require from you at least a day to lay the reinforcement in the grooves with glue.

Outdoor work

It sounds tempting, but strong gusts of wind, can severely clog eyes with crumbs and dust from blocks. Once I was "turned off" from the construction process for half a day because of a crumb stuck in my eyes. Take care of your eyes, wear glasses. Lingering rains can knock you out of the schedule, and these are worries, because the construction, summer season is not so long as it seems and you will not have time to look around the winter outside.

Time is passing fast

If you lay the block in one person, without straining, then keep in mind that: If all the processes are followed, it will take about a month for 28 cubic meters of blocks, if the weather is favorable. If there is a helper, then the term can be reduced to two weeks. Consider this point if you expect to get the walls up during your month's vacation.

In fact, working with a gas block and not having the skills of a bricklayer, it is difficult to lay out perfectly flat walls. Therefore, relax, accept if there are small deviations. You might not even have seen them if the hired workers were building the walls for you.

This is the twenty-first article in this series. In this series, information awaits you: what material for construction I stopped on, how the shallow foundation was poured, why the wall cracked and how the roof rose and many others solutions. Not entirely correct. Learn from my mistakes. Don't let your own. Subscribe . Articles are published every day at 8 am Moscow time. You can also click on the tag below "Timofey's bathhouse".