How to grow a lush geranium

  • Dec 24, 2019

Geranium (Pelargonium) taxing to care, but often in the indoor environment forms an abundance of long, neoblistvennyh stems on which there are almost no flowers. But form a lush, green and richly blooming bush can be even from such a plant.

Growing geraniums. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing geraniums. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Updating the old bush

Geranium is often laid bare trunks because of her age. The flower has a lot of energy growth, with good conditions for summer season is actively increasing the length of the stems. Lush flowering geranium good and pleasing their owners. But the very next year after overwintering potted pelargoniums are skinny and long, with their leaves fall off. New lateral shoots hardly formed, and the bush continues to grow in height.

To remedy this situation, it is recommended to cut off most of Stalks, leaving stumps up to 10 cm long. Each of them will soon be 2-3 succulent green shoots, which form the new lush bush. That he looked well and richly flowered, plants provide the following conditions:

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  • loose and fertile soil;
  • copious irrigation (summer 2 times per week in the winter as surface drying of 1-2 cm);
  • not too high temperature (about + 20 sufficiently ° C);
  • high humidity (in a heat spraying required 2 times a day).

To stem not stretched, it is desirable to ensure good lighting geranium. It is well tolerated and direct sunlight on the south window, but it is best to look on the east or west. When planting in the flower beds geraniums picked sunny places with little shading in the middle of the day.

To the bush and in the future retained the pomp, it is necessary to cut and pinch runners, limiting their growth in length and bookmark stimulate young side branches. Every spring, the old bushes desirable to re-expose the rejuvenation pruning, removing weak barrels last year and shortening well developed.

Care for geraniums. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Care for geraniums. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Growing young plants

After trimming geranium can leave part of the cut material for planting apical cuttings. For this last long escape, remote from the bush, of 10-15 cm are cut from the top of the kidney. Cuttings can be put in water for rooting, and then transplanted into the pot. In most cases, once a sprig geranium digged into the soil, well watered and covered with a glass jar. After rooting and growing signs of cover removed.

Young bush Pelargonium should immediately form, it was not necessary to solve the problem of crop plants ugly naked:

  • when there will be 6-8 well-developed leaves, vershinku cutting should be cut in order to stimulate the growth of side shoots;
  • if starts to grow only the top bud, the new Escape prischipnut after 1-2 leaves or removed completely;
  • when the side shoots begin to bloom, each of them leave for 2-3 brush and pinch again, limiting the growth in height of the bush.

To Bush and the next year went well blossom and keeps its splendor and its spring fed complex mixtures for indoor beautifully flowering plants (according to the instructions to the drug). This simple measure will ensure the emergence of large, well-developed leaves with intense color and bookmark numerous buds.

To the bush is not stretched, the spring crop and produce according to the rules for the rejuvenation of the old pelargonium. If the soil in the pot sealed and lost looseness, it is desirable to replant geraniums in fresh soil.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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