How easy it is to drill through glass, tiles, or a glass bottle

  • May 12, 2021
How easy it is to drill through glass, tiles, or a glass bottle

Hello friends and guests of my channel!

Surely you have thought at least once about how you can drill a glass, bottle or tile. So, everything is very simple and straightforward. All you need is a tile pen and a screwdriver or drill. Oh, yes, some more water.

How easy it is to drill through glass, tiles, or a glass bottle

Such a "feather" can be purchased at almost any hardware store. They come in different diameters, but no more than 12 mm, at least I have not seen more. Well, if you need to drill a hole with a large diameter, then there are diamond core bits for this. I'll tell you more about them next time.

Such "feathers" are not expensive, from about 100-150 rubles. If you use them carefully, they will last for a long time.

The simplest thing is to drill through the tiles. It only has a hard gloss, and the rest is rather soft. We moisten the place of drilling and drill carefully, without strong pressure, periodically adding water.

A little more difficult, but also real - this is drilling a bottle. Everything is the same, water, a little pressure.

When drilling through glass, be especially careful at the end, when the "nib" has almost gone right through. One careless movement and the glass can break.

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The hardest thing, as it seemed to me, is to drill sheet glass, it is quite fragile and can easily crack from awkward movement.

ATTENTION! Be sure to wear safety goggles and a respirator when drilling all of these materials.

Why drill a bottle, you ask? But for what.

I put a garland inside and it turned out beauty!

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