Why do men in Norilsk buy baby pacifiers for themselves?

  • May 20, 2021
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It would seem that nipples are a children's accessory and a practical thing in one bottle. But that was not the case, especially for the residents of Norilsk. Here, pacifiers are bought not only for babies, but also for adult men, who use them for almost the same purpose, only the difference in the final goal.
It would seem that nipples are a children's accessory and a practical thing in one bottle. But that was not the case, especially for the residents of Norilsk. Here, pacifiers are bought not only for babies, but also for adult men, who use them for almost the same purpose, only the difference in the final goal.
It would seem that nipples are a children's accessory and a practical thing in one bottle. But that was not the case, especially for the residents of Norilsk. Here, pacifiers are bought not only for babies, but also for adult men, who use them for almost the same purpose, only the difference in the final goal.

1. Air pollution and pacifiers

Norilsk Nickel and Copper Combines pollute the air very strongly / Photo: smartik.ru
Norilsk Nickel and Copper Combines pollute the air very strongly / Photo: smartik.ru
Norilsk Nickel and Copper Combines pollute the air very strongly / Photo: smartik.ru

There is a direct relationship between these two concepts. It is the workers of two Norilsk plants, nickel and copper, who work in a very hazardous industry, who almost always buy this accessory unusual for an adult. Of course, they use PPE at their workplace. Without a respirator, no one will simply let them into the shop. But no one will go there without this means, since they will not be able to be there. It is almost impossible to breathe without it.

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The stench stands not only in production workshops, but also outside them / Photo: youtube.com
The stench stands not only in production workshops, but also outside them / Photo: youtube.com

But outside the factory, in a normal environment, the respirator is removed, and people, having changed their clothes, return home from their shift. Outside the factory, the air is certainly much cleaner, but not so much that they can breathe comfortably and safely. The industrial city is fully consistent with its status.

It is practically impossible to breathe without personal protective equipment and it is very harmful / Photo: positivdliaoptimistov.mirtesen.ru
It is practically impossible to breathe without personal protective equipment and it is very harmful / Photo: positivdliaoptimistov.mirtesen.ru

Even outside the checkpoint, people try to use, albeit minimal, means to protect the respiratory tract. The workers themselves claim that on some days it simply becomes impossible to breathe, and smog is felt on a physical level.

Some remove the cartridge from the respirator and walk with it around the city, inhaling purified air through their mouth / Photo: youtube.com
Some remove the cartridge from the respirator and walk with it around the city, inhaling purified air through their mouth / Photo: youtube.com

Someone does not take off a respirator with side cartridges outside the factory - and walks in them through the streets. Others use the cartridge itself directly, which acts as a filter. Workers are already accustomed to breathing through the mouth to reduce the level of pollutants entering the pulmonary system. But walking with the cartridge pressed to the lips constantly, the pleasure is rather dubious. Not only the filter becomes dirty, but also the lips of the one who breathes through it.

2. An invention that made it possible to modernize a DIY mask

In order not to constantly lean against the filter opening, severe Norilsk men buy baby pacifiers. / Photo: youla.ru
In order not to constantly lean against the filter opening, severe Norilsk men buy baby pacifiers. / Photo: youla.ru

Men go to pharmacies, buy pacifiers, then insert them with the back into the breathing hole of the cartridge. So it is much easier and more comfortable to breathe, because now you do not need to lean your lips tightly enough against the hole, and inhalation is taken at a frequency of 1-1.5 s.

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Thanks to the nipple inserted into the breathing hole of the cartridge, breathing is much easier / Photo: youtube.com
Thanks to the nipple inserted into the breathing hole of the cartridge, breathing is much easier / Photo: youtube.com
Such a primitive device helps to free your hands without stopping breathing through the cartridge / Photo: positivdliaoptimistov.mirtesen.ru
Such a primitive device helps to free your hands without stopping breathing through the cartridge / Photo: positivdliaoptimistov.mirtesen.ru

Plus, the hand can now be removed from the "can", because it is perfectly held thanks to the nipple clamped in the teeth. But it is not recommended to breathe with the nose here, so as not to provoke the rapid development of diseases of the respiratory system, in particular the lungs.

Continuing the topic, read interesting material:
A city built on underground voids, or What is the size of the mines near Norilsk.
A source:


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