How to properly connect a water heater in the country. So that the tank does not burst, I tell you

  • May 21, 2021

Last year I told you how I used free hot water at my Summer cottage. With the help of these pipelines. intricacies.

Pressurized water flows through black pipes and is heated by free solar energy and exits through the mixer. Naturally, the volume of water was hardly enough for washing dishes.

This year, in order not to depend on external alternative energy sources, I decided to install a small storage-type water heater for 10 liters. Thermex Nobel N 10 O. Why exactly he? Stainless steel tank, powerful TEN and the lowest price among brothers at the time of purchase.

A full tank of water heats up in 15-20 minutes. Due to 2 kW of TEN.

Hello friends, Timofey Mikhailov is with you. Now I will tell you which water heater should not be taken for a frozen summer cottage. And I will tell you what needs to be done so that the tank of the electrical appliance does not burst.

Note. My water heater has "papillae" for water connections at the bottom of the tank.

More clearly in this photo:

There are water heaters with thread outlet through the upper part of the body. The so-called under the "wash". They cannot be placed in non-insulated summer cottages. They may burst. Do you want to know why this is happening? In order to understand this, let's see how I connect my water heater.

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How it works?

Normally. Cold water (blue arrows) enters the container. It is heated by TEN and comes out through the second nipple already heated.

In overheating mode. When the thermostat is broken and TEN is constantly heating. The water will boil in the tank. The pressure will rise very strongly. Which could lead to an explosion. In this case, the safety valve should work. In the photo you see a yellow arrow moving away from it. Excess pressure will be released through the hole as soon as it reaches 7 atmospheres.

In the "preparation for winter" mode. It is required to free the tank from water, otherwise an expensive electrical appliance will burst from liquid expansion when it is frozen. The bypass valve is not helpful here. Therefore, during installation, the drain valve should be installed, as shown in the photo. In autumn, water is drained through the valve without problems. The green arrow moves away from him.

Why is it impossible to put water heaters with top piping in the country?

The fact is that, after installation, it is impossible to completely drain the water from such a tank. Even if you install a drain cock. And if you purge the system, then water will still remain in the tank, which will damage the tank when frozen.

Therefore, for freezing summer cottages, we take water heaters only with a lower connection and connect them correctly. And for city, heated apartments, you can take a water heater with an upper connection. The so-called under the sink.

By the way, they turned off the hot water in city apartments again. It is possible for this difficult time, to install a water heater of such a volume, 10 liters will be enough to quickly take a shower for one person.Only its installation, in the apartment, entrust the real plumbers.

From SW. Plumber Timofey Mikhailov.