What to plant in a potato hole to double the yield

  • Jun 04, 2021

Every gardener and gardener is aware that in order to get a good harvest of potatoes, they must be planted in fertilized soil. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to provide the required conditions. But there is a way out - just plant this crop with another, which acts as a fertilizer, only green.

A good harvest of potatoes can be harvested from sandy soil / Photo: zelenasadyba.com.ua
A good harvest of potatoes can be harvested from sandy soil / Photo: zelenasadyba.com.ua
A good harvest of potatoes can be harvested from sandy soil / Photo: zelenasadyba.com.ua

On what soils and how does potato grow

Potatoes grow well in loamy soil, sandy loam and black soil / Photo: my-farmer.ru
Potatoes grow well in loamy soil, sandy loam and black soil / Photo: my-farmer.ru

Whether you can grow a good potato crop depends on several factors, and one of the key is the type of soil. It grows well on:

  • loamy soil, which is characterized by a lumpy and granular structure, fertility, good moisture and air permeability;
  • sandy loam, resembling sandstone in structure, but they are much more fertile than it, which is associated with the ability to retain minerals and organic matter inside;
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  • chernozem containing the largest percentage of all soils of humus (fifteen percent), potassium and organic matter, and having a lumpy structure (this soil is preferred not only by potatoes, but also by many others culture).
When growing potatoes on sandy and clay soils, you should not count on a large harvest / Photo: yandex.ru
When growing potatoes on sandy and clay soils, you should not count on a large harvest / Photo: yandex.ru

Two soils are not suitable for potatoes. Sandy, in which there is no humus and it is required to apply a lot of fertilizers to it. In addition, potato tubers in the sand quickly deteriorate, one might say "boil". The vegetable grows poorly in clay, as it is characterized by high density and acidity.

How to improve soil performance

In this case, vegetable peas will be a good companion for potatoes / Photo: agrimatco.ru
In this case, vegetable peas will be a good companion for potatoes / Photo: agrimatco.ru

Improvement requires sandy and clay soils. This can be done right during the planting of tubers by planting another crop, for example, peas, on them.

Important! Plain peas, sweet, are not suitable for this purpose. It is necessary to plant a special vegetable variety.

The planting process is simple. Potato tubers should be laid in the holes, sprinkled with about a third of the earth and two or three peas should be planted on top, which must be kept in water for about a day before. Peas are also sprinkled with earth on top.

The proximity of these vegetable crops leads not only to an increase in yield, but also to a slowdown in the growth of weeds / Photo: moyavtomagazin.ru
The proximity of these vegetable crops leads not only to an increase in yield, but also to a slowdown in the growth of weeds / Photo: moyavtomagazin.ru

This "neighbor" is of great benefit. Thanks to him, the soil is enriched with nitrogen, which is due to the nodule bacteria. They multiply on the roots of this culture. Potatoes receive nitrogen in a sufficiently large amount, which contributes to the formation of a larger number of tubers. Potatoes also receive phosphorus from their "neighbor".

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Planting peas doubles the yield of potatoes / Photo: aur-vesti.rbsmi.ru
Planting peas doubles the yield of potatoes / Photo: aur-vesti.rbsmi.ru

The second positive point in this growing method is that peas make the soil looser and prevent weeds from growing. As a result, the yield doubles.

Continuing the topic, read why
summer residents will be fined for the "wrong" potatoes for planting.
A source:


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