How to check the quality of spark plugs with a multimeter

  • Jun 09, 2021
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Nothing lasts forever, including the spark plugs of a car. Over time, they deteriorate and fail. Worst of all, everything described is most often not a one-time event, but a gradual process that takes a long time. With each new day and the inclusion of the engine, the candles gradually lose their effectiveness. Therefore, experienced car owners do not shy away from periodically checking their condition. You can do this yourself using an ordinary multimeter.

Candles need to be checked constantly.
Candles need to be checked constantly.
Candles need to be checked constantly.

So, to check car candles, you will need an ordinary multimeter, which most of our compatriots probably already have in the household. In any case, it will not be difficult to get this device through colleagues, acquaintances, friends or relatives (finally, you can just buy it). Before starting work, the device should be switched to the 20 kOhm resistance test mode. The spark plug is checked by touching the contact nut and the open edge with the multimeter probes.

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We set the device to 20 kOhm. / Photo:
We set the device to 20 kOhm. / Photo:

The spark plug can be considered fully operational only if the resistance value appears on the dial at the moment the probes are applied to the ends of the nut and the open edge. Moreover, if resistance appears on the screen during the interaction between the electrode and the cone of the candle, then such a part has already worked out. The bottom line is that the center electrode of a car candle must give resistance due to the fact that a resistor is installed in it. The latter is necessary to reduce the resulting radio interference when a spark is ignited.

The candles will show resistance. / Photo:
The candles will show resistance. / Photo:

However, it is not enough just to make sure that all candles are showing resistance. The check must be carried out for all plugs from a particular engine. In this case, the values ​​obtained on the multimeter should be more or less the same. Only in this case it will be possible to say that the power unit is working stably. The normal resistance of most spark plugs for internal combustion engines is in the range of 5-15 kΩ. In this case, for a certain engine, the nominal resistance can be, for example, 7 kOhm. Any deviation of a few kOhms is a reason to replace the spark plug.

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Values ​​should be in the range of 5-15 kΩ. / Photo:
Values ​​should be in the range of 5-15 kΩ. / Photo:

Separately, it should be mentioned that in some power plants of cars, candles with zero resistance are used. They are installed only on individual units. Therefore, after buying new candles, it is recommended to check them so as not to inadvertently damage the engine of your car.

Continuing the topic, read about 4 sensors in used carsthat can fail at any moment.
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